Basic Statistics Psychologists Marc Brysbaert for Book Tour Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Book Tour Basic Statistics for Psychologists Marc Brysbaert
Introduction Welcome to the guided tour of the book. Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Introduction Welcome to the guided tour of the book. This PowerPoint presentation will take you through: The key features of this exciting new textbook Its structure and content Its numerous pedagogical features The online supporting materials available for students and lecturers
But first… What is so special about this book? Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan But first… What is so special about this book? Intelligible and accessible maths Covers all the maths that Years 1 and 2 undergraduates need to get to grips with statistics, guiding even the most maths-averse student through their statistics courses A guide to carrying out statistical tests using any statistical software Though the latest version of SPSS is used throughout the book, the clear explanations of the maths will equip students to carry out tests using any other statistical software package Easy-to-navigate layout and pedagogy Step-by-step guides, learning checks, tips to avoid common mistakes and exercises to test understanding Highly accessible and engaging style of writing Use of interesting, relevant examples of research in psychology Attractive, innovative page design
What are lecturers saying? Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan What are lecturers saying? “This book is extremely accessible and easy to read, using interesting examples throughout to demonstrate concepts and mathematical processes. What I particularly like is the balance between clear definitions, a friendly style and intuitive explanations.” Tamaryn Menneer, School of Psychology, University of Southampton "I very much liked the overall approach of the book. It is well structured and student friendly." Judi Smith, School of Psychology, University of Liverpool "A comprehensive core text that covers all areas of undergraduate statistics and is easy to read. The formulas and calculations are well-presented and explained with a clear overall approach and a logical order of topics. It is a useful resource for psychology students and a helpful introduction to statistics in general." Toon Cillessen, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Structure Each chapter is divided into three parts: Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Structure Each chapter is divided into three parts: The first part of each chapter clearly sets out the fundamentals of a statistical test or concept, focusing on the calculations behind the test The second part of each chapter provides a concise, accessible guide on how to implement the test using SPSS, using screenshots to illustrate steps The third part of each chapter is entitled ‘Going further’, and provides a short introduction to more complex statistical concepts or tests
Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Content Part 1 The first four chapters provide a concise, no-nonsense introduction to statistics for psychologists: Chapter 1: Using statistics in psychology research Chapter 2: Summarising data using the frequency distribution Chapter 3: Summarising data using measures of central tendency Chapter 4: Summarising data using measures of variability
Basic Statistics for Psychologists Palgrave Macmillan Content Part 2 The next eight chapters guide students through the fundamental statistical tests they need to analyse and understand their data: Chapter 5: Standardised scores, normal distribution and probability Chapter 6: Using the t-test to measure the differences between independent groups Chapter 7: Interpreting the results of a statistical test Chapter 8: Using non-parametric tests to measure the difference between independent groups Chapter 9: Using the t-test to measure change in related samples Chapter 10: Using non-parametric tests to measure change in related samples Chapter 11: Improving predictions through the Pearson correlation coefficient Chapter 12: Improving predictions through non-parametric tests The final two chapters look at more complex tests that compare more than two conditions: Chapter 13: Using ANOVA to compare more than two conditions Chapter 14: Post-hoc tests in ANOVA and multiple regression analysis
Pedagogy: Start-of-chapter features Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Pedagogy: Start-of-chapter features The beginning of each chapter features a list of questions that will be answered within the chapter There is also a detailed contents list for the chapter
Pedagogy: Throughout the chapter Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Pedagogy: Throughout the chapter Learning checks help students revise key material as they work through the chapter Tips and the ‘be careful!’ boxes provide additional guidance, and help to make statistics as painfree as possible
Pedagogy: Throughout the chapter Basic Statistics for Psychologists Palgrave Macmillan Pedagogy: Throughout the chapter Performance checks help students consolidate their understanding by running their own tests The ‘Going further’ section at the end of each chapter provides more detailed explanations, or explores more complex tests
Pedagogy: End-of-chapter features Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Pedagogy: End-of-chapter features At the end of the chapter, clear, easy-to-grasp answers to the questions from the beginning of the chapter are provided Solutions to the learning checks throughout the chapter are also provided at the end of each chapter
Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Coverage of SPSS A clear, comprehensive guide to SPSS is included in almost every chapter, to walk students through the implementation of statistical tests In addition, Basic Statistics for Psychologists is fully integrated with Brace et al’s highly successful SPSS for Psychologists: references to chapters in SPSS for Psychologists are provided for students to deepen their understanding of that software
Overview of web support materials Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Overview of web support materials The companion website for Basic Statistics for Psychologists features a wealth of additional material for lecturers and students, including: Excel datasets for all the tests featured in the book Weblinks, for students to explore statistics further online Detailed PowerPoint slides for lecturers
Thank you! Thanks for taking the time to view this presentation Basic Statistics for Psychologists, Marc Brysbaert Palgrave Macmillan Thank you! Thanks for taking the time to view this presentation We hope you will consider adopting this exciting new textbook, and we look forward to your comments on it If you would like more information, please contact our Lecturer Services team on: +44 (0) 1256302794