Year 5 Curriculum Overview – Summer


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Presentation transcript:

Year 5 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2 2018 In English, we are learning: To use fronted adverbials. To use a wide selection of appropriate vocabulary to describe characters. To write an extended narrative. To write a non-fiction book about space. To write a creative piece for Y6. To retrieve information from texts, summarise information and identify key details and make predictions with evidence to support. In Maths, we are learning: To recognise compare, order, add, subtract, multiply and convert fractions and mixed numbers. To identify equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. To use all four operations to solve problems. To develop maths skills through the use of a picture book. To revise Y5 objectives. To introduce Y6 objectives. In Science, we are learning: To look for patterns in data, label diagrams and create graphs. To find out about gestation periods. To explore the key stages of human foetal development. To find out about baby/child development in their first year. To learn about changes during puberty for boys and girls. To understand the human reproductive systems and their functions. To understand the changes that take place in old age. Year 5 Curriculum Overview – Summer 2 2018 The Earth and Beyond In PSHE, we are learning: To recognise change in ourselves and others – physical and emotional. To develop strategies to overcome the challenge of change. To understand that we have voice and that we have the right to speak out and stay safe (NSPCC link). In PE/Games, we are learning: To develop athletic skills in the track and field events for Sports Day. About the rules and tactics of Rounders. In Topic, we are learning: To understand the position and movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon. and other planets in our Solar System. In D&T, we are learning: To know how motors and wheels work. To plan, construct and evaluate a moon buggy. To use tools safely. In Computing, we are learning: To learn how to search for information in a database. To contribute to a class database. To create a database. In French, we are learning: To be able to recognise, say and write the planets, sun and moon in French. To be able to describe the planets. To be able to say and write whether a planet is close to or far from the sun. In RE, we are learning: To understand what happened on Ascension Day and at Pentecost and why they are still important to Christians today. To understand how the main teachings of Christianity evolved. In Music, we are learning: To play chords on the ukuleles. To read TAB notation. To perform a song, accompanied by chords and finger-picking. In Forest Schools, we are learning: To make Forest Schools resources using a saw.