S-124 model Explanations and comments S-124 CG – WWNWS8
Summary of the comments received via the encoding excercise General comments to be considered (CA, FR, GR, JP, NO, SE, US, CMAP) Too much complex We must bear in mind that Navigational Warnings must be easily promulgated We must see obvious benefits and needs to the end user We fully understand the need for improving in order to display MSI on a digital way but… Elements useful for internal management of NWs or for broadcast but out of the scope of the PS (product for the end user) Should be suitable for the dual production period New production systems will be needed to produce S-124 data. The producer will only see the user interface (ergonomics) Data should be machine readable in the respect of functions expected from systems on board (ECDIS) So, all these comments have to be considered. They give a framework for the next revision of the model.
InformationNoticePart (ordered) NavigationalWarningPart (ordered) The NavWarn model NWPreamble (header) InformationNoticePart (ordered) NavigationalWarningPart (ordered) InformationNoticePart (ordered) NavigationalWarningPart (ordered) InfoNoticePart (ordered) (not geolocalized) NavWarnPart (ordered) Geometry Explanations about the model1. This slide shows the model with its components in a synthetic way. In the model proposed, a NavWarn is composed of : A NWPreamble which is the header in fact, with the series number of the message, the category, the general area, etc… The Preamble is linked to 0, 1 or more NavWarnParts2 A NavWarn Part is linked with 1 or several Geometries. One geometry is mandatory A NavWarn Part is linked with 0, 1 or several Affected areas which are also geometries. The Affected Area is optional. The Preamble is also linked to 0, 1 or more InfoNoticeParts for information not localized. The NWPreamble must be linked to 1 InfoNoticePart or 1 NavWarnPart at least. The model includes an objet « References » to reference the NavWarn or a part of the NavWarn with other NavWarns ou other source information. : in this presentation the terms NWPreamble, InfoNoticePart, NavWarnPart named “S12_NWPreamble, S124_InformationNotice Part, S124_NavigationalWarningPart in the model. (2): named “abstractWarningPart” in the exercise. It is a mistake, as Eivind Mong pointed out Geometry Affected area (Geometry) Geometry Affected area (Geometry) Affected area (Geometry) + References 1 InfoNoticePart or 1 NavlWarnPart at least
1 type: cancellation, source reference, repetition, or update References NWPreamble References 1 type: cancellation, source reference, repetition, or update A list of NAvWarn (messageSerieIdentifiers) A list of sources OR InfoNoticePart OR NavWarnPart A NWPreamble, a InfoNoticePart, a NavWarnPart are linked to 0, 1, or more References. A references is characterized by one Type.
For example of a References type: cancellation NavWarn (cancelled): NAVAREA2 52/2015, NAVAREA 2 83/2015 NWPreamble NAVAREA2 01/2016 ….
Example of sequence for a production system Create a NavWarn Example of sequence for a production system Create a InfoNoticePart Optional, can be repeated Create a « references » Optional, can be repeated Create the NWPreamble 1, mandatory Add Create a NavWarnPart Optional, can be repeated OR Create a « references » Optional, can be repeated Create a « references » Optional, can be repeated Create a geometry 1 mandatory, can be repeated Create an affected area Optional, can be repeated This slide shows an example of sequence for creating a NavWarn with a production system. It starts with Create the NWPreamble (that is mandatory), then create References if necessary. Then, choose to add a InfoNoticePart or a NavWarnPart. If you choose to add an InfoNoticePart, then create the InfoNoticePart and create References if necessary. You can add another InfoNavPart or add NavWarnPart. If you chose to add a NavWarnPart, then create the NavWarnPart. When creating a NavWarnPart, you must create at least 1 geometry. You can add more geometries to the NavWarnPart. If necessary, you can add 1 or more Affected Area to the NavWarnPart. Again if necessary, you can create References for this NavWarnPart. You can add another InfoNavPart or add NavWarnPart as appropriate. The ergonomics of such a system will be an important point to ease the production.
Why all these components? An history: KRISO-Jeppesen harmonized model with input from DMA (sept 2015) – a combined model for NWs and T&P NtMs Shipboard user scenario with solutions (2015) -> Detection by the ECDIS of a danger in the neighborhood of the planned route -> affected area -> Indication of time of CPA outside or in the period of time of the danger -> Time attributes NWs in English and in national language -> S 124_LocalizedText Ease the combined reading (graphic display and text) when a NW describes different things in different locations -> several NavWarnParts Why all these components? The model is the result of an history: the history of the KRISO-Jeppesen harmonized model with input from DMA (sept 2015) which is a combined model for NWs and T&P NtMs. The model takes into account some ideas of the Shipboard user scenario with solutions that we drafted last year. In particular : The detection by the ECDIS of a danger in the neighborhood of the planned route -> it is the origin of the concept of affected area The indication of time of CPA outside or in the period of time of the danger -> it highlights the need of time attributes The model takes into account other needs or ideas : NWs in English and in national language -> it is the origin of S 124_LocalizedText Ease the combined reading (from graphic display and from text) when a NW describes different things in different locations -> it is the origin of several NavWarnParts possibility.
Why all these components? NavWarnPart and/or InfoNoticepart S100 requirement: distinction between geolocalized features and no-geolocalized features-> S-100 Info Classes and Geo classes Example of no-geolocalized feature: A NW retaled to malfunctioning of a satellite-navigation service Possibly several NavWarnParts Ease user when reading information from the graphic display to the text and from the text to the graphic display
NavWarn and its graphic display Iroise A ship has sunk 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. Example: This a NavWarn. So, the geometries are 2 points and a surface. These geometries are shown on the graphic display Geometries displayed Surface 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, etc Point 48-09.55N 004-26.94W Point 48-09.37N 004-27.32W
With an unique NavWarnPart It is possible ! NavWarn 12/2016 Iroise NWPreamble A ship has sunked 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Point 48-09.55N 004-26.94W Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. Point 48-09.37N 004-27.32W NavWarnPart n°1 Surface 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, etc With the model, we can encode this NAVWARN with only 1 NavWarnPart.
With an unique NavWarnPart Iroise A ship has sunk 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. How to find within the text the part which relates to what I clicked? What will happen for the user? When the user clicks on one of the geometries, all the information of NavWarn is returned. The user can not see easily the element he clicked within the NAVWARN Information. So, is it the buoy? Is it the wreck?
With an unique NavWarnPart Iroise A ship has sunk 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. With an unique NavWarnPart Where is the buoy on the chart? Conversely, when the user wants to see the locations of the NW on the graphic display, he can not distinguish each element. Here, he can not see easily where is the buoy for example.
With several NavWarnParts Iroise NWPreamble Point A ship has sunked 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. NavWarnPart n°1 The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. NavWarnPart n°2 Point Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. NavWarnPart n°3 Surface An alternative, is to use several NavWarnParts. Here is the same NavNarn encoded with several NavWarnParts: Preamble - NavWarnPart1 : the wreck and its location - NavWarnPart2 : the buoy and its location - NavWarnPart3 : the area of operations and its location Note that the parts are ordered for allowing a sequential reading of NavWarn when the text is displayed. Ordered for a sequential reading of the NavWarn Can be an ordered mix of NavWarnParts and InfoNoticeParts
With several NavWarnParts Iroise OK, this is the location of the wreck A ship has sunked 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. With this encoding, the user clicks on a geometry and see the related element within the NW. Here, the user knows that he clicked on the wreck location.
With multiple NavWarnParts Iroise A ship has sunked 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Refloating operations are ongoing in the area bounded by 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. I easily understand the situation Conversely, the user can see where is the buoy.
-> Use geometry description Another solution -> Use geometry description NavWarn 12/2016 Iroise A ship has sunk at position A 48-09.55N 004-26.94W. The wreck is marked by an emergency buoy blue and yellow at position B 48-09.37N 004-27.32W. Refloating operations are ongoing in the area P 48-09.54N 004-28.74W, 48-10.49N 004-26.87W, 48-09.38N 004-25.37W, 48-08.26N 004-27.24W. This area is restricted. A B P Another solution allows by the model, is to use the geometries descriptions (attribute of Geometry). The texts of the geometries descriptions are expected to be shown on the graphic display and the same texts must be introduced in the text of the NavWarnPart. Then, the user must read carefully the NavWarnPart’s text and the graphic display. It is more demanding for the user and the display may be cluttered. Same text as the geometry descriptions Display of the geometries descriptions (texts A, B, P)
-> ECDIS : detect the NWs of interest/along the planned route Affected Area -> ECDIS : detect the NWs of interest/along the planned route Without Affected Area With Affected Area Light unlit Light unlit Filtering accoding to the planned route: the ECDIS can not detect the danger Alert : light unlit along the planned route ! see NavWarn 15/2016 Another particular concept is “affected area”. Imagine that the ECDIS points out the dangers along the planned route. The problem is that in some cases, the location of the event doesn’t cross the planned route. For example, a light unlit on the coast. The ECDIS can not detect the danger according to the route and to the location of the event. It is why the area affected by the danger needs to be added. In this example, the affected area is a circle with a radius equal to the range of the light. So, the ECDIS is able to alert of the danger along the planned route. Affected area is optional in the model. NWPreamble location of the light NavWarnPart Affected area: range of the light
Summary of the detailled comments Useless or inappropriate attributes (to be confirmed) periodicDateRange (seasonal period: ) ScheduleByDoW (days/hours of activation within the week) AffectedCharts ListOfLightNumber ENCFeatureReference Restriction (category of…) HorizontalDatum (except if useful for ECDIS) Coordinate Reference Systems (except if useful for ECDIS) sourceIndication sourceDate ReferenceType: source reference ReferenceType: repetition, update Mon 9 am - 6 pm Tue 9 am - 6 pm Wed 9 am - 6 pm Thu 9 am - 6 pm Fri 9 am - 6 pm Sat 9 am - 6 pm Sun close (Jun-Sep) Members provided general comments and details comments. Here are the detail comments.
Summary of the detailled comments Attributes to be reviewed (all, but especially): Title and generalCategory For a short text display? Title OR generalCategory ? Title: free text generalCategory: harmonized list to be reviewed, to be extended generalArea: more than 1 should be possible, ordered (eg ARTIC OCEAN/AMUNDSEN GULF)? fixedDateRange: 0, 1 or more (several periods of time) reflecting a calendar, we need a reference time (UTC, local) keySubject, information, graphic: how to use them? Do we allow attachments? Is a unique attribute “subject” sufficient? Light unlit
Other topics: Review the distribution of the attributes on the classes eg why fixedDateRange is not an attribute of InfoNoticePart? Review mandatory and optional attributes (eg keySubject is not mandatory!) Simplify references Define something machine readable for the management of S-124 NWs status (in force – cancelled) by the system on board. “no-geolocalized” NWs: how will the ECDIS manages them? Can we geo-localize them using an affected area = service area of the producer or = to the geometries of general Areas?
System for a dual production NWs structured according to the model Modernized GMDSS/WWNWS NWs in GML format (S-124) NAVDAT VDES …. Advanced functions DB Producer User interface (ergonomics) (avoid double entry) NWs in TELEX format (joint manual – S-53) NAVTEX SafetyNET Systems of dual production (current NWs + S-124 NWs) will be needed. = process