Dimensioning Size description Interchangeability of parts. Knowledge of manufacturing needed Drawings should be exactly to size
Object of Dimensions Functionality For manufacturing eliminate calculations Enough dimensions to fully define part Not necessarily the dimensions to draw part.
Purpose of Dimensions Linear distance Angles Notes
Dimensioning Have gap between part and dimension Uniform spacing
Placement of Dimensions Smallest dimensions closer to part. Witness lines extend to the part. Witness lines should not cross dimensions Correct Wrong
Placement of Dimensions Dimensions should not be placed on the part. Dimensions should be spaced from the part. Wrong
Grouping Dimensions Group dimensions together. Wrong Group dimensions together. Group dimensions between appropriate views. Correct
Superfluous Dimensions There should only be enough dimensions to define the part. A feature should only be dimensioned in one view. it should not be possible to calculate a dimension from other dimensions. Extra Dimensions Missing Dimension