Reawakening the Leader in You! A Reflective Perspective
Five Strategies for Achieving Work-Life Balance Three Characteristics of Great Work Strategic Thinking Five Strategies for Achieving Work-Life Balance Three Characteristics of Great Work Strategic Thinking
Integrating Identifying what you really want in each area of your life and designing a space in which you can accomplish those goals in an integrated way.
Narrowing Deciding to clean your mental cabinet by delegating or dropping certain tasks, goals, expectations, relationships, commitments, and obligations and by making choices so that you can focus on what is really important to you.
Moderating Spending the right amount of time in each area of your life instead of trying to do everything perfectly.
Sequencing Setting priorities and deciding what do do first, second, and so on, so that you achieve your goals.
Adding Resources Identifying and finding the resources you need to accomplish your work more quickly and to manage multiple projects.
Integrating Narrowing Moderating Sequencing Adding Resources
You are highly competent and effective at what you do.
The work expresses your ethical values and is aligned to your mission in life.
The work gives a pleasing sense of engagement – in a word, joy.
Leaders may be good technically and feel deeply about their responsibility to their schools. But if they dont find joy in their work, they burn out; its just too hard.
From strategic planning to strategic thinking. From strategic plans to strategic roadmaps, based on strategic intent. From strategy as a board-led activity to strategy making as an administration-led activity.
1. Thorough data-driven environmental analysis by administration; 2. Board and administration frame strategic issues; 3. Administration develops strategies; 4. Board vets and approves strategies; 5. Administration implements; and 6. Board monitors.
Strategy is not about turning uncertainty into certainty; no choice made today can make future uncertainty go away. Strategy means making the best choices you can make today and then being responsive when things shift.