NHMRC New Grant Program Prof Trish Livingston Associate Dean Research Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Overview of New Grant Program Grant type Investigator Grants Synergy Grants Ideas Grants Strategic and Leveraging Grants Purpose Support the research programs of outstanding investigators at all career stages Support outstanding multidisciplinary teams of investigators to work together to answer major questions that cannot be answered by a single investigator Support focussed innovative research projects addressing a specific question Support research that addresses identified national needs Centres of Research Excellence Partnerships Development Grants Targeted Calls International schemes Clinical trials and cohort studies Duration 5 years Up to 5 years Varies with scheme Number of Chief Investigators 1 4-10 1-10 Dependent on individual scheme Funding Research support package (RSP) plus salary support Research costs ($5 million) Research costs Max no. of apps allowed per round; Max grant type that can be held# 2 Not capped relative to Investigator, Synergy and Ideas Grants. Dependent on individual scheme. Peer Review Focus on track record Focus on science, innovation and significance Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grants consolidates separate fellowship and research support into one grant scheme provides the highest-performing researchers at all career stages with funding for their salary (if required) and a significant research support package Supports full-time or part-time researchers (eg. clinical, teaching, admin, career disruption) Caps apply for all the CIs on the grant Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grant Scheme: Structure Investigator Grants comprise two categories – Emerging Leadership & Leadership Five levels of salary support and six tiers of Research Support Packages (RSP) will be offered across the scheme. Emerging Leadership Investigator Grants will be restricted to researchers who are ≤10 years post- PhD or equivalent on 1 March of the application year Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grant Scheme: Structure Investigator Grant level Salary per annum (AUD) Eligibility RSP per annum (AUD) Max terms Leadership Leadership 3 (L3) $175,201 Unrestricted Allocation of $300,000, $400,000, $500,000 or $600,000 per annum as determined by overall score 5* Leadership 2 (L2) $164,911 2* Leadership 1 (L1) $141,474 Emerging Leadership Emerging Leadership 2 (EL2) $107,750 ≤10 years post-PhD or equivalent $200,000 1 Emerging Leadership 1 (EL1) $75,738 $50,000 * Max total of 5 Leadership Grants can be held Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grant Levels – Aligned to current fellowship schemes Current NHMRC Fellowship Corresponding Investigator Grant Level Early Career Fellowship Translation of Research into Practice (TRIP) Fellowship Emerging Leadership Level 1 Career Development Fellowship Levels 1 & 2 Emerging Leadership Level 2 Career Development Fellowship Level 2 Senior Research Fellowship Levels A & B Practitioner Fellowship Level 1 Leadership Level 1 Principal Research Fellowship Practitioner Fellowship Level 2 Leadership Level 2 Senior Principal Research Fellowship Australia Fellowship Leadership Level 3 Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Eligibility: current or previous NHMRC Fellows Highest NHMRC Fellowship level previously or currently held Emerging Leadership Level 1 (EL1) Emerging Leadership Level 2 (EL2) Leadership Level 1 (L1) Leadership Level 2 (L2) Leadership Level 3 (L3) No previous NHMRC Fellowship Eligible if ≤10 years post- PhD Eligible Early Career Fellowship Translation of Research into Practice (TRIP) Fellowship Career Development Fellowship Level 1 Not eligible Career Development Fellowship Level 2 Practitioner Fellowship Level 1 Senior Research Fellowship Levels A & B Practitioner Fellowship Level 2 Principal Research Fellowship Senior Principal Research Fellowship Australia Fellowship Current or previous fellows cannot apply for an Investigator grant lower than most recently held Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grant Scheme Awarded for a five year term - irrespective of Category or Level of grant awarded The grant can be awarded full- or part-time Part time grants, 0.2 to 0.8 FTE, over five years & the value of the salary will be adjusted pro rata Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grants : Assessment Track record (70%) value of an individual’s past research achievements, relative to opportunity, not prospective achievements, using evidence Knowledge Gain (30%) quality of the proposed research and significance of knowledge gained incorporates the design, hypothesis, impact of the research in advancing knowledge, practice or policy Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Investigator Grants: framework for track record (70%) assessment 1. Publications (35%) 10 year list (taking career disruption into account) Five best publications 3. Leadership (15%) Research programs and team leadership Institutional leadership Research policy and professional leadership Research mentoring 2. Research Impact (20%) Knowledge Health Economic Social Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Framework for track record assessment Research Impact 2. Research Impact (20%) indicators (examples) Knowledge Health Economic Social Evidence of scientific reach and influence Engagement Participation in clinical research Policy leadership Clinical Guidelines Standards Development of product/ intervention Healthcare cost savings IP development Industry collaboration Start-up company Product to market Employment End-user/ public engagement Community health benefit Wellbeing of end-user and community Reducing inequalities Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
INVESTIGATOR GRANTS – PEER REVIEW PROCESS Preliminary info from 26 April 2018 NHMRC CEO Webinar. To be confirmed by release of NHMRC Peer Review document. Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Synergy Grant Scheme support outstanding multidisciplinary teams to work together on major questions that cannot be answered by a single investigator fixed budget $5 million for 5 years 10 Synergy Grants available in 2019 round Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Synergy Grant Scheme 4 - 10 CIs each CI must nominate which leadership category and level similar to the Investigator Grants up to 10 AIs Caps apply for all the Cis on your grant Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Synergy Grants: Assessment Track Record (40%) Knowledge Gain (30%) Quality of the research gained, design, impact of research outcomes Synergy (30%) Definition of synergy: quality of the diverse team’s multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to solving a major health and medical research question, while building capacity Focus: is on demonstrating transformative health outcomes which require new techniques or an intellectual approach; engagement with stakeholders Multi-disciplinary team: involving teams that integrate information, data, techniques, tools from 2 or more disciplines to solve a question that one individual cannot answer Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Synergy Grants: framework for track record assessment (similar to Investigator Grant Scheme) 1. Publications (35%) 10 year list (taking career disruption into account) Five best publications 3. Leadership (15%) Research programs and team leadership Institutional leadership Research policy and professional leadership Research mentoring 2. Research Impact (20%) Knowledge Health Economic Social Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
SYNERGY GRANTS – PEER REVIEW PROCESS Preliminary info from 26 April 2018 NHMRC CEO Webinar. To be confirmed by release of NHMRC Peer Review document. Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Ideas Grants Scheme up to 10 AIs Innovative & creative research B/w 1-5 years up to 10 CIs & caps apply for all the CIs on your grant up to 10 AIs Ideas grant suitable for all career stages Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Ideas Grants: Assessment Research Quality (35%) quality of the project aims and the proposed research plan Innovation and Creativity (25%) research that seeks to challenge and shift current paradigms and/or has a major impact on a health research area concepts, approaches, methodologies, interventions in all Broad Research Areas incremental advances not only commercial innovation showing what doesn’t work Refer Ideas Grant Guidelines Appendix D. Concept of Innovation and Creativity Significance (20%) extent to which the outcomes and outputs will result in advancements to the research or health area not the incidence of disease Feasibility (20%) Appropriateness of the applicant team and their expertise, the resources and access to additional personnel necessary for the project not assessment of track record of the investigator team or preliminary data Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
IDEAS GRANTS – PEER REVIEW Preliminary info from 26 April 2018 NHMRC CEO Webinar. To be confirmed by release of NHMRC Peer Review document. Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Strategic & Leveraging Grants Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants support high-quality clinical trials and cohort studies that address important gaps in knowledge, leading to relevant and implementable findings for the benefit of human health open to research proposals for clinical trials and/or cohort studies of any size 1-5 years; amount based on budget request up to 10 CIs; up to 10 AIs not capped relative to other three schemes no limit on number of applications for a CI Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants - Assessment Significance (40%) advancement of knowledge to improve prevention, diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions, or improve health and wellbeing Research Quality (40%) quality and feasibility of the research Team Quality and Capability (20%) research skills and experience of the research team Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Senior Grants Officer – Deakin Research Dr Yvonne Lai Senior Grants Officer – Deakin Research Ms Rose Firkin Executive Manager – Deakin Research Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
CAPPING: ELIGIBILITY LIMITS ON CONCURRENT APPLICATIONS AND GRANTS HELD Steady State Investigator Grants Synergy Grants Ideas Grants Strategic & Leveraging Grants Maximum number of applications allowed per round 1 Not capped relative to Investigator, Synergy or Ideas Grants 1a 2 Maximum number of each grant type that can be held 2b 2c Max two applications per round N.B. If both Investigator and Ideas Grants applied for are successful, only Investigator grant will be awarded a Max two grants can be held concurrently Can hold 2 Ideas Grants and apply for and hold 1 Investigator Grant, but RSP will be reduced by 50% for 1 Ideas Grant and by 100% for 2 Ideas Grants until the Ideas Grant/s have ended b Can hold 2 Ideas Grants and 1 Synergy Grant c Exceptions Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
ELIGIBILITY: CURRENT NHMRC FELLOWSHIPS, SYNERGY and IDEAS GRANTS Further restrictions may apply to CIs with existing NHMRC Fellowships, Project Grants and Program Grants Census date = 1 Jan of year funding is to commence Eligibility tool for 1st round available on NHMRC website https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/restructure/changes/eligibility-tool-2019 Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
ELIGIBILITY: CIs WITH FELLOWSHIPS & PROJECT GRANTS ACTIVE ON 1 JAN 2020 SOME EXAMPLE SCENARIOS For full list, see https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/restructure/changes/eligibility/transition-arrangements-2019-grant-round Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Resources NHMRC New Grant Program website www.nhmrc.gov.au/restructure NHMRC new website beta.nhmrc.gov.au GrantConnect - Portal for all Cth Govt funding opportunities Download Guidelines, Instructions and Peer Review documents from www.grants.gov.au Sapphire - new NHMRC Grant Management System to replace RGMS Expected to go live end of Sep-Oct 2018 DR-Grants NHMRC webpages www.deakin.edu.au/research/support-for-researchers/find-funding/nhmrc-funding/ Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Apps Internal deadline Internal Deadlines Scheme Faculty to submit list of approved submissions to DR-Grants Apps Open in Sapphire Apps Internal deadline NHMRC deadline Investigator Grants 15-Oct-18 5-Dec-18 9-Jan-19 6-Feb-19 Synergy Grants 3-Dec-18 6-Mar-19 3-Apr-19 1-May-19 Ideas Grants 10-Apr-19 8-May-19 Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B