Fourth Project Support Meeting and Workshop on Informal Sector Statistics 13-15 November 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
Statistical Business Registers in Myanmar Ms. Thet Htar Nwe Assistant Director Central Statistical Organization Ministry of Planning and Finance Myanmar
Myanmar Business Survey –MBS (2015) Coverage : Entire country, all states and regions Sampling Method : Stratified Random Sampling Design Sample Size : 14331 Reference period : April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 Collect data on businesses’ income, expenses, inventories, assets, etc. Annual repetition is planned. Representative: 126,000 11/16/2018
Objectives to address these limitations and to provide comprehensive economic statistics on the private sector of Myanmar, to inform both government policy-makers and non-government stakeholders, and to provide a key data source for the calculation of national accounts. 11/16/2018
Myanmar Business Survey –MBS (2015) Jointly implemented by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) and Planning Department (PD) of the Ministry of Planning and Finance (MoPF) Capacity building, technical assistance and financial support during the survey by UNDP ISTAT also provided capacity building and technical support. 11/16/2018
Yangon and Mandalay regions are two growth poles and the others like Sagaing, Magwe, Thanintharyi, Mon, Bago and Ayeyarwaddy are growth centres. Necessary infrastructure, raw materials, Inclusive production technologies spread, Product Quality Promotion, Ensuring market for local markets to reinforce the process. 11/16/2018
Registration Status (%) economic sector and registration type Myanmar Business Registrations are not Single Window, respectively being much different Department. Most of registrations are in the Municipal Office, Second registrations are various relevant ministries. There are low registration in DICA found .We need to have Business Registration Manual . 11/16/2018
Main Responsible Government Agencies for Business Register in Myanmar No. Organization Role Available data 1. Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) Relevant Agency List of Registered Companies in DICA 2. City Development Committees (CDCs)/ Township Development Committees List of Establishments applying for license at CDCs 3. Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection (DISI) List of Registered Industrial Enterprises 4. Other relevant agencies (i.e., Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Health etc.,) Relevant Agencies Lists of Establishments applying for license under respective Ministries 11/16/2018
Why we need SBR? Diverse business registration according to type of industries Diverse licensing agencies Unable to use industrial classification Not familiar with tax ID Difficult to get survey frame lists for all type of industries 11/16/2018
Faced Issues Lack key data items required for SBR Lack of data to link with industrial classification (ISIC) Lack of comprehensive list of business Lack human resources to create a unit for SBR 11/16/2018
Development of SBR in Myanmar Overall Plan for a Sustainable SBR One of the outcomes of the CSO/UNDP collaboration on an industry survey was a clearly defined need for a better frame for economic surveys. As such a review was conducted and the most sustainable solution identified was (in brief) Use Municipalities tax collection records as the data source CSO combines data into single survey frame / SBR CSO provides this frame to other agencies involved in economic statistics and uses it to run its own economic survey program 11/16/2018
Overall tasks Required The development of an SBR for the CSO can be broken down into three main areas; Data Collection System Development Regular Maintenance of SBR 11/16/2018
Resources, Tasks and Timelines CSO Responsibilities & Resources Create dedicated SBR team / unit (1 manager, 3-4 staff) to engage in the following tasks To engage with municipalities and provide training and other support To lead the engagement with the municipalities and to assist in the drafting of the Strategy To start processing data from municipalities. This will inform strategy and enable testing on frame with possible use for economic surveys To be available to attend training course on SBR’s and data maintenance 11/16/2018
ESCAP Responsibilities & Resources ESCAP to provide an in –Country consultant to sit in the CSO SBR team. Length of contract to be determined Provide training and materials to SBR Team. (General SBR requirements & purpose, utilizing administrative data, ISIC classifications, survey frame and sample design) Provide SBR expert to assist in: forms design, data requirements, technical advice Provide support for translation of key documents and processes (Optional) Provide a programmer to develop data collection processes & possible data-base management system for Municipality. 11/16/2018
Outcomes from Collaboration The CSO will have a team that understands the requirements of an effective and sustainable SBR The CSO will be receiving data in format that is fit for purpose and covers all key data items required for effective survey operations and will also have a effective plan to expand their data collection The CSO will also have a plan to develop and implement an effective SBR system-possibly part of the ADB SBR program or through other means 11/16/2018
Overall Plan for a Sustainable SBR One of the outcomes of the CSO/UNDP collaboration on an industry survey was a clearly defined need for a better frame for economic surveys. As such a review was conducted and the most sustainable solution identified was (in brief) Use Municipalities tax collection records as the data source CSO combines data into single survey frame / SBR CSO provides this frame to other agencies involved in economic statistics and uses it to run its own economic survey program. 11/16/2018
ESCAP and CSO Collaboration Responsibility of Agencies CSO ESCAP Timing Data Collection 1 to 18 months Systems Development 12 to 24 months Regular Maintenance of SBR Ongoing 11/16/2018
Proposed Plan of ESCAP and CSO Collaboration The primary focus should be on working with municipalities (number to be confirmed later) to; Review and enhance their data collection to ensure that it meets all the needs of the CSO. This will involve reviewing their current data collection and data storage processes. Sign MOU’s with the Municipalities to ensure regular data transfer to the CSO Support the Municipalities in terms of system to record and transfer data. Including training on data collection, processing and ISIC coding. Develop on SBR team within the CSO which has an effective understanding of SBR’s, key concepts and the requirements of building an SBR in Myanmar 11/16/2018
Overall tasks required Outputs from Collaboration CSO Responsibilities ESCAP Timeline Developing a Municipal engagement strategy- That is a list of Municipalities to be targeted considering size and representativeness, how they should be targeted, who should be engaged with documents explaining the project / SBR, standardized MOU’s for collaboration and reasons for collaboration. CSO Staff to support – especially in drafting documents. SBR Consultant to lead. 1-6 months Defined data requirement & Standardized forms- A review of municipalities data collection processes / forms contrasted with CSO data requirements. This process will help develop the municipal engagement strategy, the design of the SBR process and material sent to the municipalities. 1-3 months Implement the municipal Engagement Program- Once designed and agreed to their will need to be an implementation of the program. Given the nature of the work this would be best led by the CSO with support from ESCAP. Details to be worked out during the drafting of the municipal engagement strategy. CSO to lead and staff Consultant to support CSO SBR team. 3-12 months Design of SBR Process- This is an end to end document which will explain the data collection, cleaning, imputation, quality assurance, and survey frame production process in detail. Such detail will include data items, unit structure, sample design and will help inform the design of the SBR System. Documents to be joint project. CSO staff to lead. 6-18 months Design of Municipal Registration System (Optional)- A method of ensuring the municipalities systems meet CSO requirements while encouraging the Municipality’s to work with us would be to develop a system for the municipalities for managing business registration and tax payment. Recent discussion with Yangon and Mandalay have indicated that this would be favorably received. More investigation on system requirements from the municipalities is needed before we can confirm that this is an option. CSO staff to test, engages with councils, support the consultant and draft documents. Consultant to design and build system. 6-12 months Testing of Survey Frame (Optional)- Testing the data from the municipalities in a survey would be highly beneficial. There are several economic related surveys planned over the next year in Myanmar and using the data to provide a sample or subsample would be highly beneficial for the project and act as a proof of concept for the project. Consultant / UN staff to support 12-18 months 11/16/2018
Why the development of SBR become priority? A common problem of all past survey of business is the lack of reliable lists of business To establish single window registration 11/16/2018
Thank You 11/16/2018