The 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto ePhyto Overview The 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 22nd January 2018
Contents Background Progress Timeline (Next Steps)
Phytosanitary Certificates Means by which national plant protection organizations communicate that a consignment meet phytosanitary import requirements Article IV (2) “The responsibilities … the issuance of certificates relating to the phytosanitary regulations of the importing contracting party…” Article V (3) “Each contracting party undertakes not to require consignments of plants or plant products or other regulated articles imported into its territories to be accompanied by phytosanitary certificates inconsistent with the models set out in the Annex to this Convention...”
Phytosanitary certificates Model phytosanitary certificate (PC) and PC for re-export established in the Convention ISPM 7 and 12 provide guidance on issuance of PCs and PCs for re-export ISPM 7 Phytosanitary certification system describes the components of a national system for the issuance of PCs Topic added in 1994, standard adopted in 1997, revised in 2011 ISPM 12 Phytosanitary certificates describes the content and format of PCs Electronic certificates described in Appendix 2
What is an ePhyto? NOT a paper certificate NOT a scanned certificate Electronic equivalent of a paper phytosanitary certificate Standardized XML schema (structure)
ePhyto Phytosanitary certificate in XML format
Milestones in establishing the ePhyto Solution 2000s countries began developing/exchanging 2006 Workshop - Netherlands/2009 Workshop Canada 2011 – OEWG/Workshop, Korea 2014 - Appendix 1 approved 2014 - Bryant-Christie Study 2014/15 IPPC Secretariat seeks funding from STDF 2016 – Funding from STDF and donors advances the ePhyto Solution 2000’s countries began to develop electronic certification and exchange systems bilaterally Improve efficiency Facilitate trade OEWG begins work on harmonized guidance Appendix 1 adopted April 2014 – provides guidance on: Format and contents of ePhytos Mechanism for exchange Harmonized codes and schema to be used in the certificate CPM commissions study - Bryant-Christie concludes that a hub to exchange certificates would further benefit adoption.
Point to point systems
What is the ePhyto Solution? Hub System to facilitate exchange of ePhytos between NPPOs GeNS Generic ePhyto National System web-based system to allow countries without their own systems to produce, send and receive ePhytos in the XML format (like a client-side) Web service Receiving / transferring of ePhytos Reads header info only Admin interface Manage NPPO information NPPO interface Mechanism for guiding onboarding process Technical tools (Schema, codes, etc.) Confirm exchange Data on transactions Security protocols TLS certificates Authentication Simple web-based system which: Produces/receives ePhyto ( according to the IPPC XML format) Transmits ePhyto to the hub under prescribed rules Stores certificate data of produced and received e-certificates Simple UI Ability to be used in low bandwidth environment System is Web based but accessible on desk top Based on industry to NPPO Work Flows Prints paper certificates for non-hub destination certificates
Important to note That the NPPO authentication process provides verification that the message is authorized The transfer is conducted by transport layer security which ensures that the message is transferred securely
Benefits Electronic Certificates ePhyto Solution Reduced potential for fraud Improved efficiencies by reduced data entry and validation Improved security Expedited clearance of commodities Pre-arrival processing ePhyto Solution Globally harmonized approach Expedite international trade Eventually lead to paperless trade Allow developing countries to participate equally Removes bilateral agreements between NPPOs on the details of exchange Potential to link with other e-systems (e.g. single window, other e-documents)
Solution components Hub GeNS Pilot Implementation guidance Build complete Hub Build being initiated GeNS Hub pilot underway – expected complete by February 2018 Pilot Development underway Implementation guidance Policy on use in draft Business modelling/cost recovery – options being developed Other components
Pilot Countries Hub GeNS Argentina Ghana Australia Samoa Chile Sri Lanka China Ecuador Kenya Korea Netherlands New Zealand USA
Hub Pilot Progress Commenced October 2017 8 of ten countries in various stages of implementing connection to hub Some exchanging test certificates Most expected to begin exchanges in the next few weeks Evaluation of technical and non-technical elements of hub implementation: Questionnaire Help desk reporting
Contract for development/service operation Timeline Contract for development/service operation Almost complete Hub Specifications: complete System build: complete Piloting: October 2017 –2nd Quarter 2018 Evaluation: 2nd /3rd Quarter 2018 Onboarding additional countries: 3rd Quarter 2018 GeNS System development: 1st Quarter – 2nd Quarter 2018 Piloting: Mid 2018 – 3rd/4th Quarter 2018 Evaluate pilot: 4th Quarter 2018 Onboarding additional countries: End 2018/2019
Timeline Implementation Guidance Business model Evaluate existing tools for BPA and change management – complete Work with partners to develop tools to support implementation: underway – End 2019 Business model Evaluate other cost recovery approaches – complete Establish working group to evaluate benefits of approaches - October 2017 Review recommendations and evaluate outcomes from pilot – early 2019 Establish recommendation for consideration by CPM (governing body) – 2019
Shane Sela ePhyto Project Manager IPPC Secretariat Thank you! Shane Sela ePhyto Project Manager IPPC Secretariat