Is Fisheries and Aquaculture a Business? INTRODUCTION Is Fisheries and Aquaculture a Business? What is the scope of Fisheries and Aquaculture value-chain? Current size and potentials of Fisheries and aquaculture in Nigeria Post harvest challenges and implications on national economy
Source: Federal Department of Fisheries Appendix 1: Fish Production, consumption and deficit in Nigeria, 2010 – 2016 (‘000MT) Source: Federal Department of Fisheries
Source: Federal Department of Fisheries Appendix 2: Total fish production across the Agro-ecological zones in Nigeria. 2008 - 2015 ('000MT) Source: Federal Department of Fisheries
Appendix 3: Nigeria Fish Import Data (2010-2015) YEAR IMPORT (TONS) VALUE ($) 2010 768,745.00 790,550.28 2011 762,508.40 899,406.63 2012 758,619.40 880,607.70 2013 770,802.59 987,015.00 2014 766,552.00 1,071,184.21 2015 806,000.00 1,011,034,22 Source: Federal Department of Fisheries
AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES VALUE CHAIN ANCILLARY Fish storage / warehousing Haulage / distribution Marketing All export activities Manufacture and Fabrication of Machineries i.e Cold Storage Vehicle, Drying equipment Fish Feed production equipment etc Boat Building Fishing Net Production PRODUCTION Fish seed/hatchery, Table sized fish production Fish feed production and farm supplies. Broodstock Development and Production Industrial Fishing Artisanal PROCESSING Fish handling / Scaling Gutting, Filleting Smoking / Canning Fish paste / oil production Fish Products Development
CONSTRAINTS/ CHALLENGES IN NIGERIA FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE INDUSTRY Social Infrastructure in rural communities e.g Good access road, electricity, Schools and Health care services etc for the farmers’ families Finance and credit issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture development (unrealistic collateral requirements, high interest rate among others) Poor incentives and scarcity of major inputs at economic prices eg, fish feed, seed and veterinary services Communication and information sharing especially on new technologies and adaptations Weak marketing systems of the small scale subsector and Environmental sustainability challenges.
Defective and unreliable national data on Fisheries and Aquaculture production, demand and consumer preference(s) on Fisheries and Aquaculture products; often, “desktop Consultants” are engaged without getting to the field! Absence of reliable Development plan for short, medium and long term with input of stakeholders in Fisheries/ Aquaculture industry. Absence of an in-country research agenda that is responsive to the needs of the Fisheries and aquaculture subsector e.g development of new aquaculture candidates, genomics and local feed resources, and opportunity to explore deep sea resources. Absence of effective cold chain in the industry to further widen distribution and marketing of captured and farmed fishes. Weak public-private sector institutional linkages and national networks of fish farmers and industrial Fishing operators.
STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES VALUE-CHAIN IN NIGERIA Increased numbers of appropriately skilled persons should be trained for employment at the different levels of the Fisheries and aquaculture business value chain on a sustained basis. Direct training should be provided for existing Fisheries and aquaculture operators in management for improved productivity, profitability and sustainability. Provision and dissemination of appropriate guidelines and regulations among stakeholders. Formation, training and operation of Fisheries and aquaculture-resource committees in HPAZs Private sector Driven Broodstock development and production. So also for Fingerlings production. Participation of Private sector in Fish meal production with identified public sector. i.e NIOMR Training in Boat building through the strengthening of Colleges of Fisheries and others middle Level manpower training Institution Regular Stock assessment of water bodies i.e Marine, Brackish, and Fresh water. Intensification of Collaboration of federal Department of Fisheries and other law enforcement agencies to curtail sea Armed robbering. Engagement of Private sector in the Collection of Fisheries and Aquaculture data.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC SECTOR INSTITUTIONS TOWARDS DEVELOPING FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE IN NIGERIA. Setting up of Fisheries Commission (FC) at the Federal and equivalent agencies at States and local government levels. Establishment of AGRICfund equivalent of TETFUND for the benefit of Artisanal and fish farming and their value-chain in Nigeria. Formation of private-sector led Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Groups. Establishment of aquaculture data base and websites to receive inputs consistently from across the entire value chain to be Private Sector led. Provision of updated and effective National Regulatory and Legislative Framework for Fisheries and Aquaculture Ensure the availability of and Access to Inputs (fish seed and fish feed) for Aquaculture Operations. Development and Production of Broodstocks through Public/Private Sector Structured Collaboration
EXPECTED GOALS The following are the results expected from the implementation of the FISON’s recommendations towards Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in Nigeria: Increase in employment among youths and women in the industry. Reduced social vices Improved livelihood among Nigerians (Socio-economic). Increased productivity and profitability of large, medium and small scale, existing and start-up, commercial cage and pond system fish farms and also related Fisheries and Aquaculture value chain enterprises in HPAZ. Attraction of local and foreign investment in fin and shell fishes production. Increased export of farmed and Capture fisher. Increased efficiency and effectiveness of public institutions in facilitating Fisheries and aquaculture policy making, regulation and development.
Tel: +2348186886515, E-mail: jideayinla@gmail.com THANKS FOR LISTENING OLAJIDE AYINLA Ph.D, Ffs, Tel: +2348186886515, E-mail: jideayinla@gmail.com