Group Work Textbook Page 890 1 2 3 What’s Past Is Prologue All the World’s a Stage Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow DIRECTIONS Read and summarize the assigned paragraph. Make sure to include any points that relate to our learning objectives or to prior discussions related to Julius Caesar—the man or the play!
Objective! Today, we will begin to read Julius Caesar! We will make inferences about our characters based on textual evidence and determine how Shakespeare builds tension in the story!
Reading Today As we read today, we will be doing 1 of 3 things for each question. Stop and Write (solo, silent, independent) Turn and talk (to your partner, in a whisper, on topic) Stop and Discuss (as a class, teacher will cold call)
Actors Casca Calphurnia Antony Brutus Soothsayer Cassius Flavius Murellus Carpenter Cobbler Narrator Caesar Casca Calphurnia Antony Brutus Soothsayer Cassius
1. Stop and Discuss The cobbler says that he is a “mender of bad soles.” This is a pun. What is the double meaning here? Why include this? What does it foreshadow?
2. Stop and Write What are the people doing that angers Marullus and Flavius? Why does this anger them? What actions do Marullus and Flavius take to correct the situation?
3. Turn and Talk Why begin the play with characters that never appear in the play again?? What is the purpose of this scene? What conflict is introduced in this scene?
4. Stop and Write When the soothsayer says, “Beware the Ides of March,” what does it foreshadow? What do you think will happen at the Ides of March?
5. Turn and Talk What is Caesar’s reaction to the soothsayer’s warning? How is this ironic?
Exit Ticket Use a sticky note. Write your prediction about who specifically will betray Caesar. Make sure you include at least one detail from the text to defend your assertion. Put your sticky note on the cityscape poster at the front of the room before you leave today! QUIZ TOMORROW AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD!