All I ask of you.Wmv
1st December 2013 1st Sunday of Advent Year A
The Meaning of Advent We are a people to whom God has made a solemn promise. During Advent, we read in the Bible about God’s promise to send a great Light in the darkness (Jesus),
to give sight to the blind, to fill us with hope and to put an end to sin and death.
We believe that God’s plan of promise to flesh when his Son was conceived in Mary. Christ is the light…
The liturgical colour of Advent is VIOLET.
Advent is the season of joyful expectations.
We also make use of the Advent wreath.
The Candles will help us to make the days and weeks toward Christmas – Jesus coming among us.
We also move into Year A; In Year A the Gospel according to Matthew is mainly used.
Gospel: Matthew Ch. 24: 37 - 44
Noah’s Day Genesis 6: 5…
No one knows the “Day and Hour”
The Son of Man (Jesus) will one day come as judge (nobody knows when).
Noah’s days – people were forgetting God … they did everything except whatever was good.
Verses 37 – 39 Read Genesis Ch. 6: 5 … God regrets having created man … the “Flood”.
Are we better than the people who lived during the time of the “Flood”?
God is always patient with us but is it right not to bother about the present situation, my way of life?
Jesus is sad about the world’s situation when He comes.
He already knows what He will find at the last day.
Verses 42 – 44 Jesus tells us – “stay awake” and “stand ready”
In verse 44 “an hour you do not expect”.
Verse 43: the parable.
Are we like the people in the days before the “flood” eating, drinking, ? ? ? enjoying ourselves until…
we get old and realize that we have neglected the life of our soul.
Lord help us to lead a good life inspite of the difficulties of this world.