Annex I: List of variables


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Presentation transcript:

Annex I: List of variables Agenda point 3.2 Teodora Tchipeva ESTAT Unit F-4 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force STRUCTURE OF ANNEX I 1. TECHNICAL VARIABLES 2. BACKGROUND VARIABLES 3. HEALTH VARIABLES The current proposal is based on input from consultation of the TG HIS, TF EHIS, Commission DGs, ESTAT contractor, and evaluation of EHIS Wave 2. 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Technical variables 10 variables in the proposal * Old (from EHIS 2): identification N of respondent/ of household, final individual weight, proxy, language used (PID, HHID, WGT, PROXY, INTLANG) * new/ revised: WGT-SPEC (final special individual weight, REFDATE, categories for INTMETHOD, codes for PRIMSTRAT and PSU 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Background variables Variables adapted to the standardisation rules New: BIRTHPLACEFATH+BIRHTPLACEMOTH, Revised: YEARBIRTH+PASSBIRTH: replace AGE; PATNERS: replaces MARSTAlegal/defacto HATLEVEL, MAINSTAT, JOBSTAT, HHTYPE, COUNTRY, BIRTHPLACE, CITIZEN: change in classification codes; HHNBPERS_: reduced from 6 to 3 age categories; DEG_URB, JOBSTAT: change of label 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Conclusions Technical and Background variables TF is invited to comment on the proposal on technical and background variables for inclusion in the IR 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health variables: main modules Health status Health care Health determinants 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Health Status Main sections are preserved: Minimum European Health Module Diseases and chronic conditions (oral health) Accidents and injuries Absence from work (due to health problems) Functional limitations (cognition) Personal care activities Household activities Pain Mental health (completed: positive/ wellbeing) Discussion: 1. after Oral health, 2. after pain (for all the sections up to mental health together); 3. after Paul's presentation on mental health 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Oral health: possible areas General condition of teeth/ or mouth? Functional limitations Missing teeth Dental care TF members are invited to comment on possible areas for oral health 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Oral health (1): general condition ESTAT study: How would you describe the condition of your teeth? (scale as for SPH, MEHM) WHO World Health Survey: During the last 12 months, did you have any problems with your mouth and/ or teeth? NO HIS, 2008: How do you assess your dental health/ Would you say it is …(scale as for SPH) Canadian Health Measures Survey: In general, would you say the health of your mouth is..? FR: Thinking of your teeth how would you rate their condition? 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Oral health (2): Functional limitations Canadian Community Health Survey: Now a few questions about your ability to chew different foods, whether you eat them or not. Can you … chew firm foods (e.g. meat)? …bite off and chew a piece of fresh apple? …chew boiled vegetables? Yes/ No 2003 proposal for Health status module, EHIS 1: Can you without difficulty bite and chew on hard foods such as a firm apple? Yes/ No 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Oral health (3): missing teeth Health Behaviour and Health among the FI Elderly Population + Health Behaviour among EE Elderly Population: How many teeth are you missing? ESTAT study: During the past 12 months did you have a toothache, decayed teeth, and/ or unfilled cavities? FR: What is the number of missing teeth that had not been replaced with either a fixed or removable denture? 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Oral health (4): dental care Health Behaviour among EE Elderly Population: How often do you brush your teeth? FR: What is the time since last dental visit? (< 1yr, 1-2 yrs, 3 or more yrs) FR: have you had a dental problem this year (decay, pain…) which required a dental care? 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Conclusions Oral health: TF is invited to comment on possible areas and specific questions on oral health for inclusion in the IR 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Cognition: PL8 (Health status/ Functional limitations) Variable: Difficulty in remembering or concentrating Codes: 1. No difficulty 2. some difficulty 3. a lot of difficulty 4. Cannot do at all/Unable to do -1. Missing (don't know, refusal)   Question: Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Conclusions: multiple sections TF is invited to comment on the proposal on sections accidents and injuries, absence from work, functional limitations, personal care and household activities, and pain for inclusion in IR 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Mental health: positive side (wellbeing) 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Health Determinants Main sections are preserved. New section on dietary habits. New questions in the smoking section Weight and height Physical activity Dietary habits Smoking Alcohol consumption Social support Provision of informal care or assistance For the sake of discussion we will start from the more complex sections to the least complex ones. In particular, we will start with physical activity and alcohol consumption, proceed with smoking and dietary habits, and at the end, we will look at all the remaining topics. 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health Determinants: Smoking SK1 Type of smoking behaviour 1 Daily smoking 2 Occasional smoking 3 Former smoker 4 Never smoking -1 missing Everybody SK2 Average number of cigarettes a day Number 1-99 -2 not applicable if SK1 = 1 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health Determinants: Smoking SK3 Smoking duration for former smokers Number 1-99 -1 missing -2 not applicable if SK1 = 3 SK4 Frequency of using electronic cigarettes or similar electronic devices 1 Daily 2 Occasionally 3 Never   Everybody 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health Determinants: Smoking SK5 Kind of electronic cigarette or similar electronic device used 1 Containing nicotine 2 Nicotine free -1 missing -2 not applicable if SK4 = 1 or 2 SK6 Frequency of exposure to tobacco smoke indoors   1 Never or almost never 2 Less than 1 hour per day 3 1 hour or more a day Everybody 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Conclusions Smoking: TF is invited to comment on the proposal for smoking for inclusion in IR 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health Determinants: dietary habits FV5A Frequency of drinking sweetened juice 1. Once or more a day 2. 4 to 6 times a week 3. 1 to 3 times a week 4. Less than once a week 5. Never -1 missing FV5B Frequency of drinking soft drinks, regular 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health Determinants: dietary habits FV5C Frequency of drinking soft drinks, diet 1. Once or more a day 2. 4 to 6 times a week 3. 1 to 3 times a week 4. Less than once a week 5. Never -1 missing FV5D Frequency of drinking meal replacement shakes/protein drinks 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Health Determinants: dietary habits FV5E Frequency of drinking energy/sports drinks 1. Once or more a day 2. 4 to 6 times a week 3. 1 to 3 times a week 4. Less than once a week 5. Never -1 missing FV6 Amount of sugar- sweetened and artificially- sweetened beverages daily consumed 1. Less than 250 ml less 2. 250 – 499 ml 3. 500 – 749 ml 4. 750 ml or more -2 not applicable 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Conclusions Dietary habits TF is invited to comment on the proposal for dietary habits 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Health Care Main sections are preserved: Use of inpatient and day care Use of ambulatory and home care Medicine use Preventive services Unmet needs for health care 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force Unmet needs: 2 sources EHIS UN1A Unmet need for health care due to long waiting list(s) UN1B Unmet need for health due to distance or transportation problems UN2A Could not afford medical examination or treatment UN2B Could not afford dental examination or treatment UN2C Could not afford prescribed medicines UN2D Could not afford mental health care (by a psychologist or a psychiatrist for example SILC PH040: UNMET NEED FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT PH050: MAIN REASON FOR UNMET NEED FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT PH060: UNMET NEED FOR DENTAL EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT PH070: MAIN REASON FOR UNMET NEED FOR DENTAL EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT (Unmet needs of children) (Financial burden of medical/dental care/medicines) 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Unmet needs: ESTAT contractor (1) UN1: Unmet need for health care Model question: During the past 12 months was there any time when you really needed health care but did not receive any? Answer categories: Yes No, there was no occasion No need for health care 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Unmet needs: contractor (2) UN 2: Unmet need for health due to (reason for unmet need) Model question: Which reasons best describe why you did not get health care? Answer categories: Could not afford (too expensive or not covered by the insurance fund) Waiting list too long Too far to travel Could not take because of work, care for children of for others Did not know any (good) doctor/ specialist Other reasons Yes NO 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Unmet needs: Contractor (3) UN 3: Could not afford (kind of care) in past 12 months Model question: What kind of care did you really need, but could not afford? Medical care Dental care Prescribed medicines Mental health care Glasses Hearing aids Walking aids Yes No 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Conclusions Health Care ESTAT would recommend preserving the current questions on unmet needs in EHIS 3, and invite TF participants to test new options for EHIS 4 TF is invited to comment on the proposal on health care module for IR 13-14 October 2016 2nd meeting of EHIS Task Force

Thank you very much for your attention