PAUSE AND REFLECT! Pull out your journals and reflect on the following: In earlier chapters, your explored some of the working and living conditions experienced by workers during the Industrial Revolution. Considering the effects of industrialization that you have examined so far, to what extent do you feel that classical liberalism created a fair society? Explain your answer and describe what you believe should make up a fair society.
Responding to Liberalism Related Issue: Is resistance to liberalism justified? Chapter Issue: To what extent are socialism and Marxism responses to classical liberalism?
The Origins of Socialism What are the origins of socialist thought?
Where it all began… Classical liberal policies during the Industrial Revolution resulted in: Accumulation of wealth for a small group of business owners Increase in poverty Poor living and working conditions for the majority of the population
People got FED UP! We need change! People questioned political and economic systems; laissez-faire capitalism People suggested change to ensure equal opportunities for all individuals and a fair distribution of wealth Cooperation vs competitions Group vs individual
Important People! Who are these individuals? What did they believe in and strive for? Robert Owen Charles Fourier Karl Marx
HOW IS SOCIALISM A RESPONSE TO CLASSICAL LIBERALISM? HOW AND WHY DID SOCIALIST IDEOLOGY DEVELOP? #Write a Tweet and place it on the Twitter board! Using your mini white boards, create a diagram of how socialism could be a response to classical liberalism
Values of Socialism vs Classical Liberalism Values of Socialism (Collectivism) Values of Classical Liberalism (Individualism) Collective Interest Self-Interest Collective Responsibility Individual Rights/Responsibilities/Freedoms Economic Equality Economic Freedom Public Property Private Property Cooperation Competition Adherence to Collective Norms Rule of Law Page 147
Examples of Democratic Socialism in Canada What have been some democratic socialist responses to classical liberalism in Canada?
The Great Depression & the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) The Great Depression in Canada: The CCF was founded in Calgary in 1932 during the Depressions Their goals included: Shelters for the jobless and homeless Job creation programs Pensions for individuals who worked throughout their lives but could not be cared for by their improvished children Government-subsidized health services CCF --> NDP
How did CCF democratic socialist programs challenge the values of classical liberalism?
The Rise of Socialism in Quebec and the Parti Quebecois What caused the rise of socialism after WWII? What amplified the rise? List some of the results of this change in ideology
VOCABULARY Bourgeoisie Collectivism Communism Democratic socialism Government intervention Great Depression Marxism Proletariat Social programs Socialism Universal health care Utopian socialism