Earth’s Spheres & Atmospheric layers Mrs. Green
Bell work What are the 4 different layers of Earth? How do you think these different layers might relate to the different layers of the atmosphere?
Earth’s Atmosphere Atmosphere = is the thin layer of gases surrounding Earth; made up of nitrogen (78%) oxygen (21%) carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases, as well as particles of liquids and solids. Water vapor – water in its gaseous form; and is invisible Ozone – forms when lightning interacts with oxygen in the air and creates a molecule of three oxygen atoms
Earth Atmosphere Earth’s atmosphere makes conditions on earth suitable for living things, it traps energy from the sun keeping the earth warm and water in liquid form and protects earth from dangerous radiation and meteor collisions. Altitude – or elevation is the distance above sea level. As altitude increases air pressure decreases, which also decreases density. If you have low density air around you it can make it difficult to breath with less oxygen
Layers of the Atmosphere Earth’s atmospheres are divided into the following layers which are classified according to temperature changes with altitude: Troposphere = layer closest to Earth’s surface which extends from the surface Stratosphere = layer directly above troposphere which extends to about 50 km and contains the ozone layer, which protects earth from ultraviolet rays (UV) that can kill plants, animals and cause skin cancer in humans Mesosphere = this layer begins at 50 km and ending around 80km, it protects earth’s surface from being hit by most meteoroids, which burn up from friction with the atmosphere.
Layers of the Atmosphere Thermosphere = divided into 2 layers: Ionosphere – lower layer of the thermosphere which begins at 80 km and extends to about 500 km and contains ions, or charged particles allowing radio waves to bounce off and auroras to occur Exosphere – outer layer of thermosphere
Interactive Notebook activity
Bell work What are the different layers of the atmosphere? Which layer does all the weather on earth occur? Which layer holds the ozone inside of it?
Earth’s Spheres Geosphere – Includes only the non-living soil, rocks and minerals that make up the land on earth. Hydrosphere – Includes all the waters on earth including rivers, lakes oceans, and glaciers. Biosphere – Includes all living plants and animals in the many Biomes on earth.
Bell work What layer of earth would show a convection current? What layer of earth would you receive the most heat transfer from the sun?
Energy transfer in the atmosphere 99% of radiant energy from the sun that reaches earth is either: Visible light – majority of sunlight is in the form of mixture with all the colors you see in a rainbow Infrared radiation (IR) – in the form of energy with wavelengths longer than visible light and is not visible but can be felt as heat Ultraviolet light (UV) – has short wavelengths and can break chemical bonds
3 types of thermal energy There are 3 types of thermal energy transfer that work together to heat the troposphere: Radiation = transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves, or energy that can travel through space Conduction = transfer of thermal energy by contact of particles of matter; occurs where atmosphere touches Earth Convection = transfer of thermal energy by movement of particles with in matter; heating the air currents
Water Cycle Evaporation – warmed water on the ground changes from liquid to a gas Condensation- water vapor cools as it rises and it changes back into liquid Precipitation – water. Liquid or solid form, that falls from the atmosphere. Examples are rain, sleet, or snow