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Copyright symbol Copyright Can you touch it? The Beginning and the End Public Domain Piracy Copyright Owners Permission Plagiarism Citing Your Sources Give Credit Fair Use Terms of Use Personal Use Glossary Sources
When you write a story in your classroom or create a project in your art class, YOU automatically own the copyright on it! Copyright symbol
Copyright protects authors and creators of original works of authorship. What are original works of authorship you ask? Literary works (books, poems, etc) Musical works Dramatic works Pantomimes & choreographic works Pictorial graphic and sculptural works Motion pictures Sound recordings Architectural works Click here to watch Copyright Exposed Video Copyright Exposed Video
Example: A song must be recorded or written down. Work MUST be tangible so you are able to touch it.
Copyright begins IMMEDIATELY once you create your original work. It lasts for 70 years AFTER your death.
Works that no longer have copyright protection belong to the Public Domain and anyone can copy them, change them or distribute them.
Copyright makes it against the law for anyone else to copy your work or use it as their own. Intellectual property theft, such as making a copy of a music CD for a friend, is called piracy.
You must obtain permission from the copyright owner before you can use someone elses work. Copyright owners may charge a fee for granting permission to use their work.
Copying someone elses words and using it as your own is plagiarism.
You MUST cite your sources to acknowledge any ideas and information borrowed from others.
How to Cite Sources for Intermediate Students Palmetto Elementary School Books Author Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Publishing Company, Copyright Date. Example: Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Scholastic Inc, Interviews Interviewee Last Name, First Name. Personal Interview. Date. Example: Smith, John. Personal Interview. May 6, Newspapers/ Magazines Author Last Name, Author First Name. Article Title. Magazine/Newspaper Issue Date: Page Numbers. Example: Boyer, Crispin. Canada Lynx: the Comeback Cat. National Geographic Kids December 2009: Print Encyclopedia Article Title. Title of encyclopedia. Date of edition. Example: Dogs. The New Book of Knowledge Website Page Title. Title of homepage. Date Accessed.. Example: Dogs. Grolier Online Kids. Accessed April 3, Citations used at Palmetto Elementary
You as a student can copy almost anything from the internet for use in SCHOOL WORK as long as you give credit to your source. If you copy a direct quote, you must put quotation marks around the words that you copy.
as long as you are not selling it and you are not copying everything. But remember to give credit! The law says that you can use a small part of copyrighted information (ex: for your school project)
If you have questions about what information you can use from a website, check out the Terms of Use page.
Personal Use allows you to record a TV program to watch it later or a song to listen to it later. But you can not give your copy to a friend to use or sell your copy. That would be breaking copyright laws.
Citing your sources- giving credit for ideas and information borrowed from others. Copyright- protects your creation. Copyright Violation- not following copyright laws. Fair Use- using a small part of copyrighted information. Personal Use- recording something to use only for yourself. Piracy- stealing somebody elses creations. Plagiarism - copying someone elses words and not giving credit. Public Domain- works that are no longer protected by copyright. Terms of Use- link on a website that explains how a visitor can use the sites information.
An Educators Guide to Intellectual Property. Join the © Team. Accessed January 30, Copyright Exposed. The Library of Congress. Accessed February 4, ght/ Welcome to Copyright Kids. Friends of Active Copyright Education (FA©E). Accessed January 30,