Weird and Wonderful Water Dr Sharon George Keele University
Water footprint Did you know???? = 170 litres =
Water is weird And thank goodness! Gas, liquid, solid
Ice Ice Baby Solids should be more dense than liquids!
Water! Water! Everywhere……. Water makes up around 83% of blood 70 to 75% of the earth is covered in water Only around 1% is drinkable Water is a mineral Water is a fantastic solvent
Material World brick concrete glass glass textiles metal Fibre glass rubber tarmac plastic
How does it move? Rainwater Rivers Dust
Where does it come from? From underground Concentrated Made and then dumped
The case of fracking Production well Borehole
Fracking fluid Methanol or ethylene glycol Propant (sand) Hydrochloric acid Sodium chloride Polyacrylamide (lubricant) Ethylene glycol (prevents scale) Borate salts Sodium and potassium carbonates Disinfectant Thickening agent (e.g. guar gum) Citric acid Isopropanol
Eco-chemistry detectives!