Bell Ringer (5 mins) Atherosclerosis (also known as arteriosclerosis) is a disease that clogs arteries in the human body. In this disease, the inside of the walls of the arteries become thick with fatty buildup. This condition reduces the ability of arteries to perform their function. The diagram below shows a comparison between a healthy artery and one with atherosclerosis. (SC.912.L.14.36) Which of the following is a true statement about the effects of arteriosclerosis? A. Atherosclerosis decreases the diameter of the blood vessel, which increases resistance to blood flow, and increases blood pressure. B. Atherosclerosis does not let blood through at all, resulting in very low blood pressure. C. Atherosclerosis decreases blood flow and decreases blood pressure to improve the health of the person. D. Atherosclerosis decreases the diameter of the blood vessel, which decreases resistance to blood flow, and decreases blood pressure.
Agenda Bell Ringer (5 minutes) Introduction: Death by Water (10 minutes) Notebook Input (10 minutes) Notebook Output (5 minutes) Stations (40 minutes) Independent Practice (10 minutes) Exit Quiz (10 minutes) 2
What are we learning? Main Idea: Cell transport= how cells move things in and out Cell membrane function Cell membrane structure Passive transport Diffusion Osmosis Active transport
Intro: Death by Water 4
Turn-and-Talk What do you think caused Zyrees’s death? How did drinking too much water cause him to become brain-dead? 5
Notebook Input Today you will be using a power notes worksheet The words that go in the blanks will be underlined 6
What is the function of the cell membrane? It is a barrier that controls what enters and leaves the cell. Also called plasma membrane. Outside of cell Inside (cytoplasm) Cell membrane Proteins Protein channel Lipid bilayer Carbohydrate chains
The cell membrane is made of phospholipids. Phospholipid bilayer The cell membrane is made of phospholipids. The head is polar and hydrophilic. Attracted to water The two long tails are non- polar and hyrdophobic Repel water The double layer of phospholipids forms a flexible bi-layer 8
The lipid bilayer gives the cell membrane flexibility Fluid Mosaic Model The lipid bilayer gives the cell membrane flexibility There are proteins that are embedded in the lipid bilayer. 9
Selective Permeability (Semi-permeability) Selectively permeable means that only SOME things can pass through Typically, small, non-polar molecules can pass through the phospholipid bilayer, while large, polar molecules cannot. 1010
There are three forms of passive transport: Diffusion Osmosis Passive transport allows movement across the cell membrane without using ATP (energy) There are three forms of passive transport: Diffusion Osmosis Facilitated diffusion 1111
What is concentration? Concentration is the amount of solute dissolved in a solution Example: 50% alcohol, or 30g/mL salt Water and molecules naturally move from HIGH to LOW concentrations 1212
Check For Understanding Which one has a higher salt concentration? What is the solute? 1313
Movement of water from high concentration to low concentration. Diffusion During diffusion, particles in a solution move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Does not use energy. Osmosis During osmosis, water diffuses through a selectively permeable membrane. Movement of water from high concentration to low concentration. 1414
Check For Understanding The blue dots represent salt molecules Where is the higher concentration, inside or outside? Where will the water go? 1717
Causes water to rush out of the cell. Isotonic solution: concentration of solutes inside and outside of cell are equal Hypertonic solution: solution has higher concentration of solutes than cell. Causes water to rush out of the cell. Hypotonic solution: solution has lower concentration of solutes than cell. Causes water to rush into the cell. 1818
Facilitated Diffusion During facilitated diffusion, membrane proteins make it easy for certain molecules to cross the membrane. High concentration to low concentration. Does not use energy. 2020
Molecules move from low concentration to high concentration. Active Transport During active transport, cells move material against the concentration gradient. Molecules move from low concentration to high concentration. Carried out by transport proteins. Requires ATP. 2121
Notebook Output 5 MIN. Now that you know about cell transport, go back to the problem of Zyrees’s death by water. Using what you learned, explained why drinking 4 gallons of water caused Zyrees’s death. Use the following vocabulary words: concentration, passive transport, cell membrane, osmosis, hypotonic solution. 2222
Stations With a partner to complete the stations and answer ALL questions Work with URGENCY, only 2 minutes per station
Independent Practice Work silently! 10 minutes!
Exit Quiz 2525
Home Learning Review your notes and work from Unit 1 and Unit 2 in preparation for your Mid-Year evaluation! Copy any notes or finish any necessary materials as instructed on