Names and Titles for Jesus
Wonderful “Wonderful means marvelous, astonishing, unusually good, admirable, supernaturally amazing — beyond anything you’ve ever known before. Jesus is awesome and full of wonder. You could spend your whole life time learning about Jesus and He will never cease to amaze you.”
Counselor “A counselor is one that gives advice. Jesus never gives us bad advice. God’s way is always perfect. He would never lead you astray.”
Mighty God “God is all-powerful. He created the world by just speaking it into existence. There is nothing our God cannot do.”
Everlasting Father “He is timeless; He had no beginning and He will have no end. He is God our Father; guarding us, supplying and caring for our needs. He’s not like our earthly fathers who will sometimes let us down or disappoint us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He always has our best interest in mind.”
Prince of Peace “We can know His peace (Ephesians 2:13- 18). In the middle of a hard time in life, we can draw upon the Lord for wholeness if we feel like we’re just falling apart; prosperity if we feel like we’re poor in spirit; and tranquility if we’re anxious or angry and feeling agitated.”
Advocate “Like a legal defender, Jesus pleads our case before the Father.”
Faithful and True “There is never any glitch in any of His other characteristics. He is always fair, merciful, full of grace, and tenderhearted.”
Savior “He paid the price for our sin; He rescued us from the power of Satan and from the penalty of hell.”
The Way, the Truth, and the Life “There is no other way to be saved.” Jesus is the key to our salvation.
Source: “Names of Jesus.” testament/20LifeOfChrist/06NamesOfJesus/34NamesOfJesus_Names%20of %20Jesus.pdf