Wireless Sensor Networks for Greening Food Processing IST. ICT Tools for Greening Food Processing Businesses J. Valverde GIST Project “ICT tools greening food processing businesses” is a collaborative project co-funded by the CIP Eco-Innovation Program financial instrument, which main objective is to boost European’s environmental and competitive standing by supporting solutions based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in order to protect the environment while creating a larger market for “green” technologies, management methods, product and services. Project sponsored by Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in Food Factories Cheese Factory (Macaye, France) PARTNERS Meat treatment Factory (Modena, Italy) AD ANTAGES UNATTENDED SYSTEM EASY INSTALLATION. NO CABLES CONTINOUS MONITORING CHANGEABLE MEASUREMENT POINTS CHEAPER SOLUTON SIMPLER Environmental Monitoring Waste Water Temperature of the water pH Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity Biological Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Fat & Oil Water Volume Ions Air Emissions Humidity Temperature Compressed Air Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Water Steam Micro Sensors Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) = Cookie Node Electrochemical Sensors CONCLUSIONS An environmental monitoring system based on a Wireless Sensor Network for green production in food factories is being developed. The main goal of this work is to study the feasibility of this kind of systems in terms of reliability and competitiveness in price with traditional monitoring systems.