Strategy or Mega Projects? The View from Vienna, Austria Michael Rosenberger, Vienna Department for Urban Development and Planning Moscow Urban Forum 2018
The STEP policy playing field Preserve the existing urban structure. Take advantage of the changes ahead. Accomodate more dwellings and jobs within the built city. Actively reuse underused and unused land. Develop and use stronger policies for land development. Strengthen urban centres. Create compact and mixed use districts. Preserve and improve nature and recreation areas. Prioritize the needs of public life in streets and plazas. Every dwelling should have access to the open space network. Make owning a car unnecessary. All projects help to reduce energy and CO2 levels. Cohesion and solidarity are important goals, urban planning helps. Create room for all foreseeable economic activities. Add capacity to public services in line with population needs. 1/3 of the Vienna Metro is outside the city - cooperate for success.
The role of large scale housing
Smart Megaprojects
Smart Megaprojects
Humane Megaprojects City retains strong influence through zoning, management, contracts, ownership Land development separated from building development An overall, organizing frame, clear policies and rules. But as open as possible to individual solutions
High density for high service levels and affordability Humane Megaprojects High density for high service levels and affordability Mandatory mix of uses Small plots, variety of uses; attractive ground floors Public space and public transport as dominant backbone
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