Welcome To Mrs. Robertson’s 5th Grade Class
Subjects Taught Math - Binders, notes, daily homework, quizzes, tests, extended response questions, ISAT. Science – Binders, notes, homework, quizzes, tests, group work, science fair project. Social Studies – Binders, notes, homework, quizzes, tests, group work, daily geography.
Daily Materials Books / Binder (2 inch – in the room) Homework folder with Homework Loose leaf paper (Binder use) School box or pouch (pencils, colored pencils, etc.) AR book Something to work on when finished with all homework. 7 File accordion style folder Be prepared!
Mornings to School In 5 minutes – go to your lockers, get your books for my class, supplies, and AR book. Only one trip to your locker. NO RETURNS. Come in my room quietly, sit down, turn homework in from the night before into the 6R files, work at your seat. DO THIS QUIETLY! Attendance, Lunch Count (put cards up or take out of envelopes, Pledge, band students are gone. P.E. TIME. , get shoes out of lockers. Math Practice (mad minutes)
Classroom Rules Be in your seat and ready for work when the late bell rings (8:10). Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called upon. Keep your hands, feet objects, to yourself. No gum. Be truthful. Work quietly at your seat, do not disturb others. Respect yourself and others. We are a family. Remain busy; always have a book to read or other work to complete.
Consequences Verbal warning and reminder of rule broken. Name on the board. Clipboard check. Call or note home. Checkmark by your name. Second clipboard check. Detention and call to parents. Four clipboard checks in one week equals a detention. No TEAM reward. Three late papers in one week or three in one day equals a detention. If this occurs three times in a quarter, No TEAM reward. Referral to principal. **If the disruption is severe, the student will be sent immediately to the principal.
The Good Stuff! Verbal Praise (You’ve got it!, Wow that’s great!) Stickers Positive calls and notes home. Movies Treats (Friday Folders on Monday) TEAM (Time to Educate And Motivate) quarterly reward. *All homework turned in on time. *Less than 4 checks on the clipboard in one week. *No detentions. *No ACR time. *Two tardies (Unexcused)
Bathroom Breaks We go as a group twice. Emergency / Planner. IT MUST BE QUIET IN THE HALLS! Be respectful to other classes. Same rules as the classroom. *The clipboard is also used in the hallway. Don’t waste time!!
End of the Day Put materials you do not need for homework in your locker. Homework goes home. Check in planner. Room should be picked up. Seated in your seat until teacher tells you to line-up. Low talking voices / Read. Clean your desk area. DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING ON OR UNDER YOUR DESK! Line-up according to the days of the week groups. Dismiss when the teacher says you may go.
What About Mrs. Robertson!?! I live in Carterville. My husband’s name is Mike. I have a daughter and her name is Molly Kate. This is my ninth year of teaching. I have a dog. His name is Red. I enjoy sports. I like to hike, travel, golf and spend time with my family.
Let's Have A Great Year!