Welcome to the Computer Science classes Mrs. Whitlock Curriculum night 2018 Chattahoochee High School
Mrs. Pam Whitlock Certified Business teacher CS Endorsement from Southern Polytechnic State University/Kennesaw State University Business owner Mother of four children 3 have graduated from Chattahoochee 1 currently a 10th grader @ Chattahoochee
AP Computer Science Principles AP CS Principles has a broader look at computing and is not tied to a specific programming language. We will explore several languages (Java, Python, SQL, HTML5, JavaScript). Seven “Big Ideas” that we will cover: Programming, Abstractions, Algorithms, Creativity, Global Impact, the Internet, Big Data Assessments for the AP exam: Two performance tasks focusing on computing innovations and programming will be submitted to the College Board during the school year (worth 40% of AP score) Multiple choice exam in May (worth 60% of AP Score)
AP Computer Science A Traditional, in-depth Java programming class Course has three areas of focus Learning the Java language Problem solving and algorithms Program design: What’s the best way to turn my algorithm into code to solve a problem? We bring traditional Java programming to life with fun, hands on activities and lots of lab time. The course starts at a beginning level and increases in rigor and pace throughout the year. Upon completion of the course, students can expect to be competent Java programmers. AP exam in May is 50% multiple choice and 50% FRQ.
Grading in Career Tech classes Category Weight Description Expected Time to return grades to students Major Assessments 50% Unit Tests, Major Unit Programming Projects Tests: 5 school days Projects: 7 – 10 school days Minor Assessments 20% Quizzes, live coding tasks, instructional labs 3 school days Other 10% Homework, CodingBat, PracticeIt, Reflections Final Exam Cumulative final exam for Fall and Spring semesters
Late work policy Late/Missing Work Work that is turned in after the deadline will receive a maximum grade of 75%. Work that is missing will receive an NHI (not handed in). If the missing work is not submitted within 10 days from the initial deadline, the NHI will be changed to a zero permanently.
Recovery Policy CTAE Department Provision for Grade Improvement Policy Students who have received a grade below 75% on a major test/project have the opportunity to recover their grade through the Grade Improvement process. The maximum grade that can be earned is 75%. Students must initiate the recovery process. Once notified of the low grade, students have up to 10 days to initiate and complete the recovery work. The individual teacher will determine the means of recovery. Students can have no more than 5 unexcused absences from the class. All missing work/zeros must be made up before the recovery process can begin.
Where can I find assignments if my child has been absent? My lesson plans are posted each week on Sunday night. These lesson plans will tell you what we are doing each day and have links to all handouts, websites & labs used during the week.\ To find the lesson plans, go to the course area on my website (www.cswithwhitlock.com) and find the lesson plans tab under each course’s drop down menu. Click on the link at that page to access the full lesson plan document.
What’s next? www.cswithwhitlock.com Questions?? Email me: Whitlock@fultonschools.org For more information… www.cswithwhitlock.com
And finally, a little computer humor…