6th Grade Curriculum Night Social Studies Mrs. Debbie Sheftel Room 605 Welcome 6th Grade Curriculum Night Social Studies Mrs. Debbie Sheftel Room 605
About Mrs. Sheftel Education Teaching Experience Hobbies/Interests Indiana University – B.S., Marketing University of Georgia – M.Ed Lincoln Memorial University – Ed.S Teaching Experience 12 years in Gwinnett County 6th year in Fulton and at WBMS Hobbies/Interests
**No textbook** assigned to students Supplies Composition Notebook Pens/Pencils Glue/Tape Colored Pencils BYOT Ear buds **No textbook** assigned to students
6th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Emphasized All Year Long Enduring Conceptual Understandings Map & Globe Skills Information Processing Geography History Government Economics
SOCIAL STUDIES – 1st Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Europe
SOCIAL STUDIES – 2nd Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Canada
SOCIAL STUDIES – 3rd Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Latin America
SOCIAL STUDIES – 4th Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Australia & Personal Finance
Grade Weights Summative Assessments: Tests/Projects...………………………………………………50% Formative Assessments: Quizzes …………………………….…………….35% Classwork/Homework ………………………………….......15%
Extra Help Sessions Extra help sessions are held on Tuesday mornings in room 605 from 8:00-8:30 or by appointment. Ms. Christian’s help sessions Mondays at 8:00 AM. Online help sessions on Edmodo
Contact Info Email: sheftel@fultonschools.org Websites: www.edmodo.com/sheftel Important dates – quizzes, tests, projects Announcements Students will turn in assignments electronically!
How can you help? Are you interested in being a guest speaker? Please let me know! Wish list items: -Kleenex -Expo markers -Post it notes -Charging cords & USB plugs for classroom charging station
Thank you for coming!