Om Jesus te volg vra commitment Luk 9:57 - 62
Die Lukas Evangelie Oorsig van Lukas Die geboorte van Johannes die Doper en van Jesus 1 - 2 Die optrede van Johannes die Doper 3 Jesus se werksaamheid en prediking in Galilea 4 – 9 Van Galilea af na Jerusalem 9 – 19 Gesprekke met teenstanders in Jerusalem 19 – 20 Oor die ondergang van Jerusalem en die wederkoms 21 Jesus se lyding, dood, opstanding en hemelvaart 22 - 24
Nederige Toewyding aan Jesus The world says: Don’t commit yourself to anything. Live free! Jesus says: Be absolutely committed to Me and my mission
Step on others and move up In watter mate is dit nie net waar van ons eie lewens nie, maar ook hoe ons as kerk optree?
Die 5 areas waar ons dit moet toepas Geld Tyd Werk/Arbeid/Energie Talente Gedagtes
Die volle implikasie van toewyding I would like to buy 3 dollars of God, please. Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep, but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk or snooze in the sunshine. I don’t want enough of God to make me love a black man or pick beets with a migrant. I want ecstasy, not transformation. I want the warmth of the womb, not the new birth. I want a pound of the eternal in a paper sack. I would like to buy 3 dollars of God, please...(Anonymous)
“Christianity if false is of no importance, and if true is of infinite importance…the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” CS Lewis
Die 3 persone wat Jesus wou volg
Francis Xavier – sendeling in China “Laat vaar tog julle klein ambisies en gaan die wêreld in en verkondig die evangelie van Christus!” Laat vaar tog julle ambisietjies in die lig van wat hier op die spel is. (Smit)
Defective obedience is always the result of a defective life Defective obedience is always the result of a defective life. To rouse and spur on that defective life by arguments and motives has its use, but their chief blessing must be that they make us feel the need of a different life, a life so entirely under the power of God that obedience will be its natural outcome. The defective life, the life of broken and irregular fellowship with God, must be healed, and make way for a full and healthy life; then full obedience will become possible. The secret of a true obedience is the return to close and continual fellowship with God. Andrew Murray (1828-1917)