The Temple Of God Lesson 5
A Place Where God Meets Those Who Worship Him: 1. In Old Testament: (1) In Tabernacle (Ex. 25:8-9; Lev. 26:11-12; Deut. 12:5; 1,3:1-6). (2) In Temple built by Solomon (II Chron. 7:12-16). (3) God's name recorded there (Ex. 20:24). 2. In New Testament (Matt. 18:20; Rev. 2:13; 3:8; Col. 3:17; Acts 15:17; Eph. 3:14-15); God's name recorded in Church.
A Spiritual Building in Which the Spirit of God Dwells: (I Cor. 3:9; 16-17; Eph. 2:19-22).
THE INDWELLING DEITY ....GOD DWELLS WITHIN THE CHRISTIAN 2 Cor. 6:16 Eph. 4:6 Phil. 2:13 1 Jno. 4:4, 12, 13, 15, 16
God and Christ are to dwell in us 1 Jno. 4:12; Eph. 3:17 God and Christ are to dwell in us 1 Jno. 4:12; Eph. 3:17... they control our lives. Christians are to have the love of God “dwelling in them”... the love of God dominates their lives.. The Christian is to “let the word of Christ dwell” in him. Col. 3:17.... it controls his life. By the same token the Holy Spirit “dwells” in us... he is involved in the domination of our lives... Eph. 5:15-19
Must Be Built According To God's Plan: 1. God's plan (I Chron. 28:10-19; Ex. 25:40; Heb. 8:1-5; I Cor. 3:10-15; Psalms 127:1). 2. God's plan for New Testament Church is found in New Testament Scriptures.
Christ and Apostles the Foundation: (Isaiah 28:16-17; 1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:20).
Christians the Stones Builded Together Into the Temple of God: (Eph Christians the Stones Builded Together Into the Temple of God: (Eph. 2:19-22; I Pet. 2:5, 6, 9-10). 1. Unbelievers and disobedient cannot be stones (I Pet. 2:7-8). 2. Strength of building depends upon stones being securely cemented and budded together in peace and love (Eph. 2:21-22; Eph. 4:1-3, 16).
Questions For Discussion: 1. What is God's Temple in the world today? 2. Where has God's name been recorded today? 3. Where must the people of God come today to worship? 4. What kind of building is the Temple of God today? 5. Who inhabits God's Temple? 6. Who are the stones in God's Temple?
Questions For Discussion: 7. How does one become a stone in the Temple ? 8. Can one be a stone in God's Temple without being a Christian ? 9. Can one be a stone in God's Temple without being a member of the Church? 10. Where can the plan of God's Temple be found?
Questions For Discussion: 11. Is it important that God's plan should be followed in the building of His Temple today? 12. Upon what does the strength of the Temple depend? 13. Can acceptable sacrifices and worship be offered elsewhere than in the Temple ? 14. What feature of the Church is emphasized in this figure?