District Performance Framework Student Performance
Student Performance Indicators Academic Achievement Academic Growth & Growth Gaps Post-secondary & Workforce Readiness ☼ World Class Education Outcomes ☼ Personalized Learning Outcomes ☼ 21st Century Graduates
Performance Measures Timeline 2011-2012 TCAP: First administered. Baseline set for external accountability measures. 2012-2013 BAS: Formal assessments in place. Baseline set for internal evaluation measures. 2013-2014 Fully operational at all levels. Complete body of evidence for internal evaluation of growth & achievement.
World Class Education Outcomes (TCAP 2011-2012) Reading Writing Math ES MS HS District Overall 84 68 82 73 82 72 49 79 64 82 68 70
Personalized Learning Outcomes (State Growth Measures 2011-2012)
69% AP exams taken are college credit qualified 21st Century Graduates 88.4% ACT 21.7 Graduation Rate Composite Score Dropout Rate 0.9% 69% AP exams taken are college credit qualified
Keeping Improvement on the Radar Addressing Performance Concerns with our District Improvement Plan: Improve alignment of world class curriculum and assessments to ensure academic growth and achievement for all students. Develop challenging and relevant instruction of world class education for all students. Develop world class intervention models to support struggling learners in order to achieve significant increases in performance and reduction of achievement gaps.
Last Year, This Year and Beyond 2011-2012 TCAP: First administered. Baseline set for external accountability measures. 2012-2013 BAS: Formal assessments in place. Baseline set for internal evaluation measures. 2013-2014 Fully operational at all levels. Body of evidence for internal evaluation of growth & achievement. 2014-2015 BAS: Assessment suite for 4 Cs. Baseline set for internal evaluation of 4 Cs.