The article Singular Masc. Fem. Neutral nominative oJ (ho) genitive tou: (tu) dative tw:/ (tō ) accusative tovn (ton) hJ (hê) th:V (tês) th/ (tê) thvn (tên) tov (to) tou: (tu) tw:/ (tō)
The article Plural Masc. Fem. Neutral nominative oiJ (hoi) genitive tw:n (tōn) dative toi:V (tois) accusative touvV (tus) tav (ta) tw:n (tōn) toi:V (tois) tav (ta) aiJ (hai) tw:n (tōn) tai:V (tais) tavV (tas)
The functions of the cases nominative: genitive: dative: accusative: vocative: Subject Possesion Indirect object Direct object Direct address
Analysis of nouns gender number case oiJ ajdelfoiv tou: ajdelfou: tw:n ajdelfw:n th:V grafh:V tov tevknon ta; tevkna toi:V tevknoiV th:/ grafh:/ tw:n grafw:n tai:V grafai:V masc pl nom masc sing gen masc pl gen fem sing gen neutral sing nom or acus neutral pl nom or acus neutral pl dat fem sing dat fem pl gen fem pl dat
The use of words. Identification of subjects, verbs, direct objects, indirect objects, and predicate nominatives. 1) The teacher sees the student. S V DO 2) The student has a book. S V DO 3) The teacher bought me a book. S V IO DO 4) The student is a brother of the man. S V PrNom Poss
5) The student read the book to the teacher. S V DO IO 6) The brother is the teacher of the child. S V PrNom Poss 7) oJ a[nqrwpoV e[cei ajdelfovn. S V DO (The man has a brother.)
8) oJ ajdelfo;V levgei lovgon. S V DO (The brother says a word.) 9) oJ a[nqrwpoV levgei lovgon tw:/ ajdelfw/:. S V DO IO (The man says a word to the brother.) 10) oJ ajdelfovV ejstin oJ maqhth:V. S V PrNom (The brother is the disciple.)
11) to;n a[nqrwpon blevpei oJ kuvrioV. DO V S (Acus) (Nom) (The Lord sees the man.) 12) blevpw to; tevknon tou: ajdelfou:. V DO Poss (Acus) (Gen) (I see the child of the brother.) 13) th;n grafh;n poivei oJ uiJovV. DO V S (Acus) (Nom) (The son makes the writing.)
14) oJ ajdelfo;V e[cei th;n grafhvn tou: kurivou. S V DO Poss (Nom) (Acus) (Gen) (The brother has the writing of the Lord.) 15) tw:/ tevknw/ levgei lovgon oJ kuvrioV. IO V DO S (Dat) (Acus) (Nom) (The Lord says a word to the child.)
16) oJ uiJo;V levgei o[noma tw/: ajdelfw:/. S V DO IO (Nom) (Acus) (Dat) (The son says a name to the brother.) 17) tw/: ajdelfw/: levgei o[noma oJ uiJovV. IO V DO S (Dat) (Acus) (Nom) (To the brother the son says a name.) (Or, The son says a name to the brother.)