Three-Body Trajectory Model and Spiral Transfer Matching March 5, 2009 [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 1
Three-Body Gravity Model Much more accurate than patched two body model Gravity effects of Earth and moon are always taken into account Important Result: We will not need a separate circularization scheme!! Time of flights will be on the order of 1 year to desired lunar orbit Spiral Out ~ 290 days Spiral In ~ 60 days [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 2
Approximate Data for Trajectory Match All scenarios based on 400 km Earth parking orbit and 50 km lunar circular orbit Total TOF set to 350 days Sizing will be iterative procedure with propulsion group (Brad) Important to match masses at end of outbound spiral and beginning of inbound spiral ΔV to match up outbound and inbound spirals is not yet optimized Payload Thrust (mN) Mass flow (mg/s) Preliminary ΔV at Match (m/s) Added Prop Mass (kg) 100 g 120 5.60 220 4.80 10 kg 189 249 6.25 [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 3
[Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] Backup Slides 10 kg payload case [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 4
100g case - Zoomed in to match point: [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 5
10 kg case - Zoomed in to match point: [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 6
[Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] A Big Thanks to: Dan Grebow and Marty Ozimek Their help with the orbit mechanics of the 3-body problem was invaluable. They spent several hours checking over our code and also lent us class notes from Prof. Howell’s AAE 632. [Andrew Damon] [Mission Ops] 7