The Possibilities of PrEP: Introduction
Preexposure Prophylaxis: Definition and Development
PrEP Efficacy Trials Containing Oral TDF
Effectiveness and Adherence in Trials of Oral and Topical Tenofovir-based Prevention
International PrEP Guidelines
International PrEP Guidelines (cont)
21 Countries Implementing Oral PrEP With TDF/FTC
Some Barriers to PrEP Implementation[a]
Implementation of PrEP
Populations Suitable for PrEP and Access to Treatment
PrEP as a Component of Various Prevention Initiatives
NHS England PrEP Implementation Trial
Adherence as a Crucial Component to PrEP
Concluding Remarks
Overview of Current Data on PrEP
Studies of PrEP: PROUD
Studies of PrEP: PROUD Results
Studies of PrEP: PROUD Inclusion Criteria and STI Rates
Studies of PrEP: PROUD Adherence
Studies of PrEP: IPERGAY Regimen
Studies of PrEP: IPERGAY Results
Studies of PrEP: IPERGAY Substudy in Infrequent Intercourse
PrEP Studies in Women
Future and Ongoing Trials, and Lessons to Date
Future Directions for PrEP Research
International AIDS Burden
PrEP and Adherence: A Meta-Analysis
PrEP in Rectal vs Vaginal HIV Exposure
PrEP: Vaginal Topical Gel
Vaginal Ring PrEP: Results From ASPIRE
Injectable Cabotegravir: HPTN 083 Trial
Other PrEP Compounds: NNRTI and CCR5
Biodegradable Subcutaneous Implants
Concluding Remarks
Future Directions for PrEP Research
International AIDS Burden
PrEP and Adherence: A Meta-Analysis
PrEP in Rectal vs Vaginal HIV Exposure
PrEP: Vaginal Topical Gel
Vaginal Ring PrEP: Results From ASPIRE
Injectable Cabotegravir: HPTN 083 Trial
Other PrEP Compounds: NNRTI and CCR5
Biodegradable Subcutaneous Implants
Concluding Remarks
The Possibilities of PrEP: Concluding Remarks
PrEP: Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)