Auto-tagging of Media using Local Bluetooth Information Emmanouil Alimpertis, Shonali Balakrishna
Motivation Media volume generation has exploded due to use of smartphones. Difficult for users to keep track of media generated of them. Challenges: Photos are taken by many people at different events, making sharing difficult. Necessity: a platform that allows immediate tagging and sharing of media, based on proximity information.
Introduction We propose to build an Android App that detects local Bluetooth devices and provides a platform for automated tagging of persons in media like images etc This app can be extended to provide functionality for coordination, communication and transfer of media. HOW: Android API supports a family of functionality for Bluetooth: i) Classic Bluetooth ii) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Advantages of BLE: i) Notion of single master-multiple slaves ii) Designed for systems requiring notifications/proximity discovery/data transfer iii) Lower power consumption for Internet of Things Applications. Basic Use Case: i) Use Bluetooth to detect proximity devices (i.e. your friends) ii) On creation of media, send a request for a tag. iii) After acceptance, communicate media tag information to the participants. iv) Upload media and tag information to server, and share link with participants.
Related Work Many ideas of proximity discovery are patented! However, there is no widely known App for auto-tagging media during events. Related project on deriving local Bluetooth information: A. Pullabhatla & H. Gomes, “Proximity Data Gathering for Android Through Bluetooth”, CSE 237B, UC San Diego, Fall 2009. S. Liu & A. Striegel, “Accurate Extraction of Face-to-Face Proximity Using Smartphones and Bluetooth,” Proc. of 20th International Conf. of Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Aug. 2011. ...and many more. Lot of papers consider bluetooth proximity information for several applications; however, no work exists for auto-tagging of media to help users keep track of and share photos and media easily.
Project Plan Test Sample BLE App using Android Studio in a real Android device. Using the BLE API: detect and list all proximity Android devices. Two modes of operation in our App: i) Central/Scanning mode - Discover/Scan for proximity devices. ii) Peripheral/Client mode - Wait to get tagged by the central device. Create events; Tag participants for an event; Wait for acceptance of tags by participant. Share tag information/media i) Locally via Bluetooth. ii) Upload media to a web server and share link with participants.