How can knowledge systems be designed that better… Knowledge for Development Seminar, Center for International Development Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, November 6, 2003 How can knowledge systems be designed that better… Empower end-users in setting R&D priorities? Create “location specific” knowledge for decision support? Integrate “basic” and “applied” approaches to produce “user-inspired” basic research?
How can Knowledge systems be designed that better… (cont’d) Incorporate both tacit knowledge of practice, and global knowledge and technology in local solutions? Integrate public and private needs and capabilitiies? Foster “boundary spanning” organizations to connect knowledge and action in pursuit of the above?
Some ‘systems thinking’ answers suggested by this case: Create organizations (institutions?) that involve (some) users with (some) ‘scientists/technologists’. (Note 1: ‘some’ will function well as participants and ‘some’ only as ‘suppliers’, see Note 2 below.) These organizations are to: formulate questions and tasks, assemble relevant knowledge (local/global), (Note 2: Ignore ‘basic’/‘applied’ as useless) decide how to use the knowledge, divide up the work and do it
Some answers (cont’d) Do the above at various appropriate levels levels both organizational and geographic Limit support bureaucracies to support (They’ll try to gain control.) Keep vertical & horizontal communication Management must keep contact with the work. Include continuing ‘outside’ advice and oversight as a normal function of the system ‘outside’ means both ‘really outside’ and ‘inside from elsewhere in the organization’