FAO/OIE Agreement for the Global Declaration of Rinderpest Freedom Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme Rome, 30 Nov- 2 Dec 2009 FAO/OIE Agreement for the Global Declaration of Rinderpest Freedom Dr Lea Knopf Scientific and Technical Department OIE
Good Farming Practices Guidelines and Strategies Good Farming Practices & Strategies Animal Health Standards and Guidelines setting Standards and Guidelines Setting Expertise on Animal Health Expertise Official Disease Information Animal Disease Information and Intelligence Disease Tracking Disease intelligence Animal Health Publications Technical and Scientific Publications Capacity Building Programmes on Animal Health on standards and guidelines implementation Global Regional National OIE / FAO - Complementarities and Synergies, updated agreement between FAO and OIE Global Development programmes on Animal Health Regional National Expertise for Development Programmes on Animal Health Expertise for Development Programmes on AH
OIE / FAO - Complementarities and Synergies framework for the last steps towards declaration of rinderpest eradication The official agreement between FAO and OIE was updated taking into account the evolving activities and challenges of both organisations Both organisations have been strongly involved in the fight against rinderpest Ample documentation and expertise on rinderpest has been accumulated which should be made accessible to the world animal health community Final steps of global eradication of rinderpest require joint efforts at international, regional and national level A declaration of global rinderpest eradication and addressing responsibilities at long term could only be achieved by a declaration at a highest international animal health authority level, International acknowledgment of all the efforts by the regional, national and financial contributors who made eradication possible
FAO-OIE Agreement Establishment of a joint FAO-OIE committee Future declaration should: Be made jointly by FAO and OIE Be presented simultaneously to the FAO and OIE Governing Bodies Recognise the role played by countries, regional organizations and donors.
FAO-OIE Agreement Joint Committee Monitor the progress made at regional and global level Prepare for and advise on the final declaration e.g. Identify actors who contributed to eradication Prepare, based on the preparatory work by the OIE/BSC, a draft international agreement on the destruction of rinderpest virus and other material Oversee the preparation of a book on the history of rinderpest eradication Catalogue scientific information/works available
FAO-OIE Agreement FAO and OIE Identify actions to be taken for the countries not yet recognised as disease free Define terms of reference and membership of the joint committee Prepare agenda of future meetings
FAO-OIE Agreement FAO OIE Prepare and present dossiers for the FAO member countries that are not OIE members, for examination by the OIE OIE Examine dossiers for rinderpest status (SCAD) for final approval by the General Assembly Prepare a draft international agreement on the destruction of virus and present it to the Joint Committee (BSC) Preparatory work be done by the ad hoc group on rinderpest
FAO-OIE Agreement GREP Secretariat Follows up on actions to be taken that do not fall under the exclusive OIE mandate. Provides the secretariat for the joint committee
Countries and territories recognized free from RP infection (or under evaluation) December 2009 12 Countries and territories under evaluation