StratoBuoy II Matt Voll Brian Mayernik Pat O’Hara
Mission Overview Test the hardware and software for the power system of the SpaceBuoy nanosat project Simulate operating modes Record telemetry Collect data for future development of the SpaceBuoy ADCS
SHOT II / UN-6 Connection Testing development hardware for SpaceBuoy Gain understanding of operating procedures for the power system using “dummy” loads Testing the software interfaces Practice the use of magnetometers for use in ADCS
SHOT II Design and Test Details 1” foam, 11” L x 11” W x 10” H box Reinforced foam attachments for hardware Foil covering Hardware: TS-7250 embedded Linux CDH board Prototype power board Magnetometer configuration board “Dummy” loads and solar panels for telemetry Testing: Structural testing completed Flat-Sat testing completed UN6-0003 compliance: Ploy-tube and necessary hardware for string attachment. Mass: 970 g (as of June 4, 2010)
Expected Results Telemetry data logged from IIC devices A-to-D for current sense & reg. voltage monitoring Magnetometer data Data to show simulated operating modes of SpaceBuoy
Demonstration Commanding interface between CDH and power board Plot specific telemetry values (temperature, simulated operating modes, solar cell current, etc.) vs. time over the duration of the flight