WHAT’S YOUR SUPERPOWER? Beatrice Opoku-Asare, Global Director-Inclusion & Diversity Newmont Mining Corporation Month 2015
What’s your super power? Inclusion and Diversity- My personal perspective Newmont Mining Corporation- Our journey so far Building new superpowers- My 3 simple tips within our control Month 2015
“Ghanaba” Personal view on diversity- My story Month 2015
Personal vie on diversity Allow audience to share their super powers Month 2015
What’s your super power? Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist television program created by Ted Turner and Barbara Pyle and was broadcast on TBS from September 15, 1990, to December 5, 1992 producing 113 episodes Allow audience to share their super powers Month 2015
Inclusion is critical to making impactful progress inˈklo͞oZHən/ The concept of inclusion incorporates both an active process of change (verb: to include) and an emotional outcome (I feel included) RESPECT VALUE SUPPORT
66% 83% 3.5X 2X Show me the numbers, NOW! Diverse thinking styles yield 66% more innovation than homogeneous thinking styles The combination of Diversity & Inclusive environment yields an 83% uplift in business performance and 43% uplift in team collaboration 2X 3.5X Teams that leverage diversity & inclusion benefit from twice the level of employee engagement than teams that do not When leaders give diverse voices equal airtime, employees are more than three times as likely to contribute to full innovative potential References: Deloitte Study, waiter is that Inclusion in my soup. Irish Bonnet, What Works. The Bteam.org Diversity: Bringing the business case to life. HBR, Diversity doesn’t stick without inclusion Month 2015
But beyond the numbers Month 2015
Global Inclusion and Diversity Newmont’s Strategic Priorities Our Purpose To create value and improve lives through responsible and sustainable mining Our Value of Inclusion We create an inclusive environment where employees have the opportunity to contribute, develop and work together to deliver our strategy Our Strategic Priorities Workplace Workforce Community Enhance understanding of inclusion by integrating principles, practices and content into existing systems and through formal structures, such as BRGs, to help build inclusive behaviors Increase representation of women, nationals, local-locals or indigenous people (where applicable) and other diverse groups across the organization to enhance business performance Establish community partnerships that support the development of a diverse talent pipeline and demonstrate that Newmont values diversity and inclusion Identify key integration points and establish plans with S&ER, Communications, Safety, and Supply Chain J O U R N E Y Month 2015
Global View: Steady progress with increasing momentum Key Highlights Since 2013 Board, CEO and Executive Leadership Team sponsorship Board Gender & Cultural Diversity Noreen Doyle named as Board Chair Progress in Executive Leadership Team Gender Diversity National representation targets achieved Inclusion made one of 5 core values Progress of Business Resource Groups (21 BRGs Globally) Piloted Inclusive Leadership Workshops globally, broad 2018 global roll out Piloted Unconscious Bias Training with Executive Leadership Team, Global Talent Management team and BRG leaders Paradigm for Parity CEO & RSVP commitment and data informed refresh of solutions Key Metrics Global Employee Survey (Value and I&D Index) Gender Diversity Goals National Representation & Development Goals ‘Local-Locals’/ Indigenous Persons Goals Paradigm for Parity Key Metrics Journey of Inclusion Employee stories and impact Month 2015
Paradigm for Parity framework guides our solutions Five point roadmap Newmont commitment – action steps pledged by CEOs and business leaders to establish parity and create an inclusive workplace within their own businesses Minimize or eliminate unconscious bias Increase number of women in senior operating roles Measure targets at every level and communicate progress and results regularly Base career progress on business results and performance, not on presence Identify women of potential and give them sponsors as well as mentors Three part toolkit- Key expectations/activities Understand the baseline Increase representation Manage with a diversity mindset Current seniority snapshot Historical comparison snapshot Time in role analysis Hiring (3-year lookback) Promotion (3-year lookback) Employee engagement summary Post departure interviews Blind resumes Gender neutral job descriptions Diverse interview panels Pool-based hiring Sourcing mechanism for bringing talented women back on board Require diverse hiring slates Establish a diversity recruiting office Combine unconscious bias training and a manager playbook Clear and accountable diversity objectives for individual managers Institute slate-based promotion process with full consideration of all diversity candidates Cascade the “plus one” tactic Create benefits to reduce “other time” barriers Adopt the 70% rule Paradigm for Parity is a movement of CEOs, senior executives, founders, board members and business academics who are committed to an inclusive workplace where women and men have equal power, status and opportunity in the workplace by 2030. The roadmap and toolkit provided by Paradigm for Parity outlines a scientific framework and roadmap for accelerating not only gender parity but also providing clear guidance to pursue solutions for building an inclusive workplace that leverages all dimensions of diversity. This work aligns with our values, and our commitment to inclusion Paradigm for Parity’s 3 part toolkit provides specific strategies for organizations to progress commitments made We completed tool kit 1 in 2017= an data driven analytical review of current state followed by focus groups globally to identify root causes 2018: Prioritize and implement organizational strategies for progressing an inclusive culture and test programs for attraction and hiring of a diverse talent pool Source: Paradigm for Parity: A Call to Action and Model for Gender Equality Month 2015
Business Resource Groups (21 Globally) Grassroots effort by our employees to promote an inclusive workplace and leveraging diversity. A key component of our strategic priorities. Local local/ Indigenous employee BRG and Parental Support BRG’s also exists in region. BRG Leaders form a global council meeting quarterly with executive sponsors and leaders Month 2015
Our focus going forward An inclusive culture is critical to leveraging diversity Our focus going forward Leverage our global framework for inclusion and diversity training and development to improve awareness, understanding and role modeling of inclusive behaviors; expand roll out of Inclusive leadership work and unconscious bias lab in global operations Leverage Paradigm for Parity framework to prioritize and guide systemic improvements Achieve/exceed 2018 representation goals and establish new multi year targets Refresh multi-year global strategy and tactics for Workplace, Workforce and Community Strengthen maturity and impact of Business Resource Groups Establish industry partnerships and continue to build our brand; Newmont values inclusion and a diverse talent pool Creating an environment where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and develop Month 2015
Dialogue leads to connection Making change at an Individual Level 1. Seeking similarity to create connections and learn more about difference. Remain curious Month 2015
Leverage your “majority/ minority experience” Making change at Individual Level 2. Leveraging personal experiences or that of others to better understand difference Month 2015
ALLIES Making change at Individual Level 3. Aggressively invite more allies to the discussion. Understand that allies have “ally superpower” but also need an invitation to sit and participate at the I&D table. Meet them where they are at Month 2015
Diverse Superpowers + Inclusive Environment = ADVANTAGE Month 2015