Dorset’s Health and Care Revolution Dr Karen Kirkham
13 localities in three clusters Dorset CCG One Governing Body 13 localities in three clusters 86 GP practices Over 760,000 people 3 acutes 1 community 3 LA 1 ambulance Reducing number of GP practices Budget – £1.2 billion
Sustainability and Transformation Plan STP STP came along - Our plan sets out how we will achieve our vision over the next five years. Three programmes of work to enable us to realise our vision for health and care in Dorset: Prevention at Scale: will help people to stay healthy and avoid getting unwell. Integrated Community Services: will support individuals who are unwell, by providing high quality care at home and in community settings. One Acute Network: will help those who need the most specialist health and care support, through a single acute care system across the whole county. Prevention really pulled the LAs back in, we had become too clinically focussed, too acute focused
Tier 1- Prevention at scale Start Well, Live Well, Age Well & Healthy Places · The Prevention at Scale - the foundation that underpins all our work. Prevention work also runs through the upper tiers of the triangle – our Integrated Community Services and One Acute Network programmes. We plan to significantly upscale our primary prevention to help people who are currently well to make changes in their lives to help them stay healthy for longer. This includes extending our LiveWell Dorset service to provide more people with help to: quit smoking cut down on alcohol exercise more lose weight and eat more healthily We will also: support people who have already developed a health problem such as high blood pressure or diabetes ensure more timely support is given to people who have diabetes and heart disease expand the My Health My Way initiative that provides personalised help to enable people to self-manage their long-term condition develop a ‘patient portal’ within the Dorset Care Record to provide better information Finally we will continue to support the My Life, My Care service to help people to find the help they may need to live independently at home continue to provide short-term intensive support to help people get back home after a hospital stay, as part of our integrated community services programme. Our Dorset plan will be aligned with our two Health and Wellbeing Boards joint strategies by working on the wider, complex and interrelated determinants of health including: job opportunities access to affordable housing revitalising communities improving the quality of homes occupied by vulnerable people encouraging active travel ensuring children have the healthiest start
Tier 2 - Integrated community services Transform primary and community health and care services in Dorset through: Community hubs Integrated community teams Strengthen GP practices Integrated community service vanguards Acute mental health care pathway review Transform urgent and emergency care . Integrated Community Services will transform primary and community health and care services in Dorset, so that they are truly integrated and based on the needs of our local populations. Our priorities include: establishing a network of community hubs to provide a consistent range of health and care services multidisciplinary teams of professionals, working together to meet the needs of people with short-term, long-term and specialist health needs. Some hubs will also have beds to help more people to receive care in their community. Building a strengthened network of GP practices,
Tier 3 - one acute network of services Poole Hospital - the major planned care hospital Royal Bournemouth Hospital - the major emergency care hospital Dorset County Hospital - a planned and emergency care hospital This will allow us to: Establish a dedicated specialist role for Poole Hospital as a major planned hospital and Royal Bournemouth Hospital as a major emergency hospital. There will be access to these services for people from the whole of Dorset to give better outcomes for patients and save more lives by creating centres of excellence Continue to support Dorset County Hospital as a pivotal provider for planned and emergency services in west Dorset Poole: major planned hospital Dorchester: planned and emergency hospital Bournemouth: major emergency hospital
Dorset GP Forward View Delivery Draft Dorset GPFV – Plan on a page Dorset GP Forward View Delivery
Accountable care Improve care quality, continuity care Control costs Groups of providers to meet the needs of a defined population, sustained partnerships Within an agreed budget Loose alliances , networks, community , acute bases to fully integrated systems Population health Think of systems of care , co-ordinated delivery Systems built around primary care are associated with better health outcomes , and wider determinants health
What's the potential? Build local community capacity Enhance and strengthen resources Tackle the issues that matter to the local community Make use of existing resources Accessible Team based and collaborative Co-ordinated and integrated High value Workforce modelling and capacity is key
Opportunities Population health , analytics and Big Data A new way of delivering care Enhancing self care Prevention agenda –its everybody's business Workforce, new roles , development opportunities , career development Research Quantum leap in use of technology Improve productivity Health, care, industry and education partnership
The End Thank you for listening Any questions? Dr Karen Kirkham Assistant Clinical Chair and Dorset ACS Clinical lead