Carnegie Mellon University Libraries Smart Web Exhibit Delivering Enhanced Library and Museum Collections Online, On Target, and On Time An 18 month project funded by IMLS in 1999. In 2001 we received a one year extension to do broadcast and dissemination of the project results. Carnegie Mellon University Libraries November 17, 2018 Gabrielle V. Michalek
Project Goals Web-accessible, high-quality, high-value content will be delivered and preserved over time. Project will generate the organizational model, and authoring, indexing, and usage analysis tools that add value to content. Research in human factors and imaging, and the collaboration of museum and libraries in the service of education. We believe that there is a lack of quality content on the Web and as a result education suffers. Due to space constraints only a fraction of a museum’s holdings are on display and available for research. Libraries often hold complimentary information. By digitizing materials and making them available via the Web we can deliver an educational outreach product. Project is to develop the content to two Smart Web Exhibits. System that exhibit sits on top of is called DIVA and was developed in the CMU Libraries. I will talk about the University Libraries exhibit called “Mind Models”. We also did work in human factors research.
Partners Carnegie Mellon University Libraries Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Carnegie Museum of Natural History Libraries – Provided, organized and digitized content. Created metadata. Mounted on server. Maintain and preserve data over time. School of Computer Science – Provided advice about some new technologies, built SmartWeb Kiosk for the CMNH. Museum of Natural History – Provided content.
Content Exhibit is multimedia System needed to support multimedia Each medium had to be digitized and get metadata
Textual Herbert A. Simon Collection Allen Newell Collection Earl Douglass Collection Diplodocus Collection Simon – Content came from CMU Libraries. Consists of published and unpublished papers, reports, school work, administrative work, experiments, memos, planning documents, etc… Newell- Content came from CMU Libraries. Same sort of content. Douglass and Diplodocus – came from CMNH. Content includes a lot of correspondence and notes.
Textual Materials Scanned at 400 or 600 DPI Full Metadata Created for Each Image Handwriting and Marginalia Transcribed Each image has “EAD-like” metadata attached.
Size of Textual Collections Simon Collection – 130,000 images Newell Collection – 186,000 images Douglass and Diplodocus Collections – 2,600 images The project proposal stated that we would digitized 40 linear ft. of archival documents from the Simon and Newell Collections. This equals approximately 80,000 images total.
Video Source Materials in a Variety of Formats Remastered to BetaCam SP Digitally Remastered Original film and video materials were in VHS, 16mm, ¼” Audio, and Beta SP. Remastered to Betacam SP because analog to analog maintains native format and there is less loss or change of information. Also, there are many Betacam SP player/recorders available on the market. Betacam Sp player plugged into PC with a video capture card which encodeds the analog signal to a digital bitstream and stores it.
Digital Video Stored as Uncompressed Digital Video for Preservation Purposes Compressed to MPEG-1 for Access Purposes Digitizing video accumulates so much data that one frame of uncompressed video can take about 1MB of space. Normal video tape runs about 29.97 frames per second. This results in about 30MB per second. This creates storage problems. MPEG-1 is a lossy compression. However, we chose MPEG-1 because it is the most successful open effort and it is an international standard.
Access for Video Real Video (Fast and Slow) Media Player (Fast and Slow) MPEG-1 QuickTime A big problem with video is bandwidth. MPEG-1 likes 1.5 Mbps and the average bandwidth in the US is 56Kbps.
Photographs Scanned at 600 DPI Dublin Core Metadata The majority of the photos (38) are attached to the CMNH collection.
Books In Public Domain or Have Permission Scanned at 600 DPI Dublin Core and MARC Metadata The books content is where the libraries and the museum most closely collaborated. The CMU Libraries had several books and journal articles in its collection that complimented the museum’s collection. We were able to scan the books in and supplement the museum’s collection.
Metadata MetaScan -Metadata Interface Generalizable Solution to Metadata Creation
Access and Delivery System DIVA – Digital Information Versatile Archive Oracle Based System Supports Multimedia Offers Boolean and NLP Searching Perform both Logical and Physical Browsing
Human Factors Research Conducted Protocols Used Feedback to Make Changes to Exhibit Full Report Due
Collaborations Collaborations Require a Great Deal of Communications Sometimes Partners Don’t Really Understand What They are Agreeing to Expect To Do More
What Did We Learn? A Lot About Digitizing Video There Are No Benchmarking Standards for Video Preservation