Connecting the Campus to Children ` Connecting the Campus to Children Connecting The Campus To Children Mary Ann Marchel, Faculty Liaison Molly Minkkinen, UECH Faculty Paul Deputy, Dean of College of Education Leann Scalia, Child Care Director
Macrosystem Exosystem Mesosystem Microsystem exosystem Mary Ann will open with background and how ecological perspective serves as a lens through which to describe the development of the univeristy of minnesota Duluth Children's Place exosystem Bronfenbrenner, 1996
Microsystem The microsystem includes the complex of relations between the developing person and the immediate environment. Child Peers Child care staff Leann whats unique about UMD's microsystemic units Eclectic curriculum UECH faculty UECH student (practicum and student teachers) Family
Mesosystem The mesosystem embraces other specific formal and informal social structures that do not themselves contain the developing person, but impinge upon or encompass the immediate settings in which that child is found, and thereby influence, delimit, or even determine what goes on there. ECSE support services Mental health services Health consultant Molly Family connection Home Early childhood special education Head start IEP/IFSP related services Faculty liaison Auxiliary services
Exosystem The exosystem refers to situations, settings, and events that have a bearing on the child’s development, but in which the developing child does not actually play a direct role. Administrative at the college and university levels Relationships with community based agencies Paul Collaboration with academic units from across the university
Macrosystem The macrosystem refers to the overarching institutional patterns of the culture or subculture, such as the economic, social, legal, educational, and political systems in which the micro-, meso-, and exosystems are the concrete manifestations. Statewide initiatives Macro McKnight--Molly, Ready 4 K, Head Start University Intiatives (Bruininks, Children Youth and Familyies Consortium Economic influences...Art Rolnicks economic feasability study has influenced thinking about impact of EC Programs Nationwide push for academic “rigor” Media attention to economic feasibility studies University of Minnesota initiatives Sociopolitical influences
“If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavors to lead a life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours” Henry David Thoreau