6.6.3 Fractions & Decimals on the Number Line
Things to Keep in Mind… Fractions and decimals are NOT integers (they’re not whole numbers) Fractions and decimals and ALL numbers ARE on the number line Fractions and decimals CAN be positive or negative
Graph Fractions and Decimals
Your Turn! Graph the following numbers and their opposites: 2 ½ – ⅝ – 3.5
Comparing Fractions & Mixed Numbers
Your Turn! Compare the following fractions and mixed numbers (TIP: If it helps, you can change the denominators to be the same for easier comparison. In your final answer, just make sure you change the denominator back). Compare – 6/7 and – 3/7 Compare 1 ½ and 1 ¾
Comparing Decimals
Your Turn!
Homework Page 264 (#3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21)