Tools and results Sara Stjernholm Federation of Swedish Farmers


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Presentation transcript:

Tools and results Sara Stjernholm Federation of Swedish Farmers Focus on Nutrients Tools and results Sara Stjernholm Federation of Swedish Farmers

Focus on nutrients Tools Results Today we’re going to focus on tools we use in the advisory within the project Focus on Nutrients, as well as results from the project.

Focus on Nutrients Based on individual advice and on-farm education. The objective is to Increase awareness and knowledge in order to change behaviour.

Advisory topics Nutrient balance Fertilization Precision farming Soil structure Plant protection Ley production Climate change Barn environment Feed Wetlands Energy efficiency

Nutrient balances One key tool we use within the project is to calculate farm gate nutrient balances.

Nutrient balances A balance is calculated at the first visit and the input data and results are stored in a database A second balance is calculated after 1-3 years and the surpluses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, are compared with the first year The changes of surpluses will be explained by the measures that have been taken on the farm. Nutrient leakage and ammonia emissions are discussed The nutrient balance drawn up at the initial visit together with data on the farm´s production, shows the situation at the starting point. A follow-up visit that is carried out after about six visits, shows what has been accomplished and how the farmer may continue the environmental work. All nutrient balances and farm data are collected in a database. The surpluses of nutrients, as well as nitrogen leaching and ammonia losses, can be calculated and followed for groups of farms.

Why nutrient balances? It is a quick operation Input data gives fairly precise figures It fits in an advisory situation where the advisor can help the farmer with the interpretation

Nutrient balances This is what it looks like on the website where the farmer calculate the nutrient balances for his farm.

Nutrient balances

Digital tools Focus on nutrients has developed a large data base system, in which you calculate farm gate balances, nutrients in and amount of farm yard manure due to kind of animal, length and technique of storage and method of spreading, carbon footprint from the farm where incoming carbon footprint with products to the farm is added to what happens on the farm (crop management, fertilisers, animal husbandry, length of ley). We have during the years developed several digital tools for the advisor and farmer. For example, you can calculate on future investments, the pay-off time and annual gain.You can also calculate the gain due to different manure spreading techniques.We also send out a newsletter twice a week which contains new knowledge and research.

Economic gain Resource efficiency is also economic gain. Several agri-environmental measures have a positive effect on profitability, probably mostly as a result of costs saved rather than increased revenues. The economy aspect is a cornerstone in all sorts of advice within Focus on nutrients. We have made calculations on what average farms can gain economically when they implement different measures.

Ongoing training advisors A large number of continuation courses have been offered to advisers over the years. These have been wide-ranging in scale and character, everything from brief web-based meetings with five participants to large conferences with more than 200 delegates. There have been some 120 training sessions of one to two days which reflects how advisory services have developed over the years. In the beginning the focus was on courses on nutrient balances, nitrogen strategy, phosphorus strategy, and feeding. In the middle of the period, subjects such as soil compaction and fertility were added, and in recent years there have been a considerable number climate courses and courses linked to water issues and the Water Directive. There have also been many popular courses not linked to any specific module, on subjects such as environmental economy, advisory methods, and environmental work in our neighbouring countries.

Ongoing training farmers Farmers are more or less explicitly required to attend a two-day basic training. Basic environmental knowledge is always included. There are several examples of successful arrangements around the country, ranging from two days of lectures to various combinations of lectures, study visits and study circles.

Knowledge enhancements Websites Newsletters Publications Seminars, fairs, meetings Knowledge enhancement among advisers In Focus on Nutrients information has been collected and provided about which of the measures carried out by the farmers have had a positive or negative environmental impact. This has been done through a research abstract in a newsletter, at continuation courses for advisers and with documentation for adviser visits. Since advisers from the regular advisory companies have been engaged for Focus on Nutrients’ advisory services, innovations in the environmental field which have been profitable to implement have also reached the farmers when advisers provide production advice.

Results Surpluses on the farms within the project have declined due to reduced inputs of plant nutrients with mineral fertilizers (primarily dairy farms) and feed (primarily pig farms). Purchases of mineral fertilizer have been reduced through better utilization of manure, combined with fertilizing techniques and adjusted fertilizer doses. Reduced inputs of feed has been possible due to better matching of feed rations to animal needs, improved utilization of the farm´s own grassland and less feed waste.

Results 75% of farmers experience that they become more environmentally friendly after advisory visit outstanding compared to other competence building efforts in Swedish RDP 75% of the farmers involved in the project experience that they become more environmentally friendly after the advisory visits. This is from a study made by the Swedish board of agriculture and SCB. This high number of farmers that have a changed behaviour is more than other competence building projects and courses performed under the Swedish Rural Development Program

Farmer’s satisfaction Every quarter we make a survey to get to know what the farmers thinks about the project and the advisory they receive. It is very popular! 96 % is satisfied with their last visit. 100 % says that they are happy with the treatment from the advisor and 98 % says that they are satisfied with the advisors ability to share knowledge. Within three months from the last visit, 1/3 has made some kind of agri-environmental measure due to the advise given. 2/3 have plans for measures.

Reduced losses Effective production= reduced losses Improved nitrogen and phosphorus effectiveness mean less emissions of climate gases and nutrient losses

Less nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers “ There are strong indications that the measures implemented to reduce leaching of nutrients from agricultural land have had the intended effect. “ The decrease in concentrations and in transport has been greatest in regions where the measures have been most extensive, for nitrogen 20-30 % in ten years. Source: Report 2012:1 Institution for water and environment Swedish University Agr. Sci. Fölster et al. A report from the Swedish University of Agriculture stated that there are strong indications that the measures implemented to reduce leaching of nutrients from agricultural land have had the intended effect. The decrease in transport of nutrients in rivers, for nitrogen 20-30 % in ten years, has been greatest in regions where the measures have been most extensive and where Focus on Nutrients has been operating.

Results During the first visit to the farm a nutrient balance is carried-out and the data is saved. After a few years or 4-6 visits on the farm another nutrient balance is carried-out and we can then follow how the surplus in kg nitrogen per hectare on the farm decreases. We then compile the data for all crop farms, dairy farms and hog farms and then we can se the overall reductions in farm nitrogen surplus. It is never possible to have zero surplus of nitrogen since there are some inefficencies in the biological systems involved in farming. The stars after the numbers show that the numbers are statistically significant.

Farms become more resource efficient Results Farms become more resource efficient Less farm surplus of nutrients Less nutrient leaching to air and water Lower impact on eutrophication and climate change Nitrogen leaching decreases by 800 tonnes per year Phosphorous leaching decreases by 15-30 tonnes per year

4 important experiences Repeated visits are key to influence changed behaviour The advisor always have to relate to how measures taken will influence farm economy It is important to inform farmers about the progress and make them proud of their achievements – preferably through the press To inspire change the visits need to be voluntary for the farmer These are some of the experiences that we have had during the 13 years that Focus on nutrients has been on-going.

Contact Communications Manager, Deputy Project Manager Sara Stjernholm +46-8- 787 51 54