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This is Bob, and Bob has his Restaurant and he has a decent website This is Bob, and Bob has his Restaurant and he has a decent website. Bob knows his customers and realizes that more and more of them are using smartphones and mobile devices. He also knows a large percentage of his customers are on social media sites such as facebook and twitter.
Bob Knows he has to Mobilize! Yellow Pages are all but Dead Just read the stats here
Bad Customer Experience Is Not Good! Did you know? Read the stats
Traditional Websites on Phones 84% of local searches originate from phones. Traditional websites just don’t work on modern mobile devices. If you visit your website on a smart phone and it looks something like the picture on the left, it is a good bet your potential customers are not having a good mobile experience and are likely to move on to something they can easily read and navigate on their phone. Google will rank you above your competitors if your site is mobile ready. If your competitors site is not visible when searchers are searching on mobile devices then you have the competitive edge. BAD Good
IF Only! If only there were a way for Bob to Mobilize his Website, Create a Mobile Web App (click) & Market to his customers where he could engage them on their mobile devices (click)to promote his business and take advantage of social media all at the same time. Well now there is!
Introducing, Introducing
What Does our Platform Do?? Actually 2 Things Mobile Web App Simple but powerful marketing platform What does our platform Do?? Well, its actually 2 things. On one hand, It is an easy to use Mobile website and smartphone app generator that uses your existing content to create stunning Mobile Web Apps your customers can download on their smart phones and mobile devices. Our Platform converts your current websites content to be easily viewed without changing the look and feel of your current website. It allows your customers to get your most basic information such as business hours, coupons, specials, door to door directions, display a menu, showcase your products and services and much more. It is also an easy to use Complete Marketing platform allowing you to Engage your customers in a whole new way driving More business to your door, generating more revenue for your business with little time, effort and expense on your part.
When They Search Once your App is created, we upload a simple line of code to your website and then a user searches for your website, products or services and clicks on your website. Our code automatically detects that the user is on a Smart Phone Device and Redirects them to your mobile web App. It even asks them if they would like to install it to their phone. If they choose not to, they can simply continue to navigate your mobile Web app without doing so.
You just got prime Real Estate Once installed, your companies icon or shortcut is created on the customers mobile device, and you are now in his or her pocket so to speak.
So why do I need a Mobile Web App? Engagement! So why do I need a mobile web app you may ask? Simply put, its all about engagement with your customers.
VIP Offers, Coupons & Specials Your Customers can signup for V.I.P offers, Coupons & Specials. When your customers visit your mobile website or install your mobile web app, the first thing they see is your VIP offers. Most users do not hesitate to become a VIP to receive the discounts and or offers you provide. This is called your Warm Market! People who want what you have and eagerly look forward to receiving your offers. You can send them from time to time by email or text Promoting a coupon, special announcement, using our Integrated marketing Platform which we will cover in just a minute.
Quick Call Other Features include: Your customers can contact you with our Fast and Easy Tap to Call feature.
Quick Overview Customers can get your info at a glance.
Watch Your TV Commercial Watch one of your TV Commercials.
Make a Reservation Make a reservation.
Check your Menu, Products or Services Look over your menu or browse through your products and service offerings.
Get Quick Door to Door Directions Get Instant Directions from wherever they are.
Share App with others Your customers can share your app via text, or email with their friends, family and colleagues.
Connect with you on Facebook Connect with your Facebook.
Twitter Follow your Twitter feed.
And Yelp Pass the word on with yelp.
You Tube Connect to your YouTube channel.
Type once send to all! When you are ready to do your promotion, send out a coupon, or announce a special event or sale, you simply login, Type once and send to your VIP list via text direct to their Phone, Email, Facebook and Twitter all simultaneously! And you are done. You just promoted to all your fans, customers, and V.I.P. members. All in about 3 minutes! Integrated Mass Marketing has never been more simple!
100 Personal or Team Accounts 200 Personal or Team Accounts Sales Manager…. 10 x Standard = $2,000.00 10 x Enterprise = $2,500.00 10 x Professional = $3,000.00 $50 Per Account Override 100 Personal or Team Accounts 200 Personal or Team Accounts * Not More Than 50% from 1 Leg . * Must Qualify Each Month * $25k Paid over 12 Months
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