Quality Management System (QMS) By Sky Software Co. LLC
Overview of Quality Management System (QMS) QMS Objectives: Centralize and document all guest requests in timely mannerMonitor all guest related requestsEnsure guest satisfactionGive a clear and measurable standard for quality of serviceAutomatic System time stamp in every stage of guest request handlingTask ownership and assigned responsibility for timely completionOverdue alarms, sound alerts and popupOverdue SMS escalation messaging system
Improve employees productivityOnline fast statisticsManagers supervisionMost frequent requests statisticsDiscrepancy reportsComplete log for all requests / problemsComplete set of interfaces for enhanced connectivity to other systemsFlexibility and customization Overview of Quality Management System (QMS) QMS Objectives: continue
Overview of Quality Management System (QMS) Greater flexibility for your guests Better guest satisfaction and loyalty More accurate long- term strategic planning Ensures that all guests request are attended to Accommodate change of guest request Monitor the service efficiency of operator/agent Service Request Statistics Product Benefits
How does it work Requests Work Request Control & Distribution Service Departments For Follow up Guest Service Center Information Technology EngineeringConciergeLaundryHousekeeping Courtesy Calls
How does it work Request Routing: Each request is associated with a service department The system automatically routes the request to the associated service department Each department monitors and follows up their related requests only Service departments: Sound alert to indicate the receiving of a new request Overdue popup and sound alerts SMS, pager and automatic messaging to responsible agents SMS, pager and automatic escalation messaging to management according to predefined criteria of escalation Pending requests are reflected in red
Request Monitoring & Processing Request Routing: Highlight overdue requests Highlight user messages, notes and documents Search the screen for specific room requests Filter requests by status Keyboard shortcuts for better functionality Sophisticated monitor showing request details (i.e. Timing, Room Number, Request Details, Posting Time, Starting Time, Completion Time, Priority, Status And Agent Name)
Work Request Monitor
Request Routing: Room status (OCC/VAC) Time stamp on request creation system time) Automatic search list To simplify data entry. Pickup values from predefined list of rooms, requests, and priorities. Automatic request routing to the associated service department. Priority code to reflect VIP related requests. Request note for any extra explanation Request Monitoring & Processing
Customizing Requests: Flexible, customized requests definition Auto print new request option Allow/prevent posting the same request for the same room number before finishing the pending one) Assign default process time for each request Customize the process time for different room types Customize SMS escalation timing Use history data to define the required process time Request Monitoring & Processing
Processing Work Requests: Assign, postpone, cancel, and finish requests Time stamp on every stage Area for feedback and remarks Summary data showing the time spent and the agent who did the work Assign work order Postpone work order Finish work order Request Cancellation Request Monitoring & Processing
Messages and remarks: Assign, postpone, cancel, and finish requests detailed log for all transactions with time stamps Add messages or notes to explain unexpected actions (i.e. postponed a request) Add agent feedback after finishing the request A method for approval (i.e. send a message: Approved by FO ) Appears in the request report Work request notes Request Monitoring & Processing
Courtesy Call: Assign, postpone, cancel, and finish requests detailed log for all transactions with time stamps request status is automatically updated in the active monitor to reflect service departments actions Hotel agent makes Courtesy calls with guests once there requests are finished to ensure guest satisfaction Guest feedback is recorded PBX time stamp for actual courtesy calls timing Courtesy Call Remarks Request Monitoring & Processing
SMS Escalations : Send SMS for new request Escalate SMS to higher managerial levels for overdue requests Customized SMS escalation levels SMS retransmission option Default recipient for each level in every department Timesheet option to specify SMS recipient for different shifts Duty managers shifts Escalation Levels Escalation Time sheet Request Monitoring & Processing
Archive Requests: Archive old requests Full reports and statistics for history data Archive Requests Request Monitoring & Processing
Duty Managers Log
SMS Escalations : Duty log checklist is classified into categories, feedback and remarks are entered Default feedback is configured to simplify data entry Free text log entries for any extra points Checklist Log Entry
Reports & Graphics
Reports Work request detailed Work requests by date details Work request definition Work request report by date – summary Work request report by Status – summary Work request statistics– summary Discrepancy report Discrepancy Timings Courtesy Calls Courtesy Calls by date – summary Cancellation More …..
Top 30 Average Processing Time
Top 30 Frequent Requests
Pending Problems by Department
Received Requests by Department
Technical Features & Interfaces
Multi-tasking/multi-user Windows®-based application (98/ME/2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008). Open architecture, client-server application. Advanced searching and sorting features. Relational database flexibility. Compatible with MSDE and Microsoft® SQL Server 2000/2005/2008. Using Microsoft programming language that allows easy data exchange with Microsoft Excel, Word, and other Windows applications Centralized data administration and maintenance tools. Comprehensive set of summarized and detailed reports Technical Features