Somalia NGO Consortium Steering Committee Strategy (2017-2019)Meeting 1
Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Maxine Clayton (Facilitator) 2
Establishing ‘Ground Rules’ or Ways of Working for success Team Activity (CCL) Reflection for a few minutes. How effective are we as a Steering Comm? How can we improve our collective work together? Choose 2 cards to reflect your thoughts above Establishing ‘Ground Rules’ or Ways of Working for success 3
Somalia NGO Consortium Strategy (2017-2019) 4
Strategy Annex – Review Report Structure Overview of Somalia, SNC Methodology of Assessment Findings Performance of the SNC (previous strategy) SWOT Analysis Key Approaches Key Themes Conclusions Recommendations Resources, Annex
Stronger together for resilient Somali communities Key Components of the Strategy Overview Summarised S.W.O.T VISION MISSION Stronger together for resilient Somali communities A coordination platform, focused on an enabling environment for efficient and effective delivery of humanitarian and development outcomes 6
Values Humanitarian Principles and Do No harm: We are guided by humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. We are committed to ethical and responsible actions and activities in the service of communities and people. Enabling environment: We believe in an enabling environment as common ground for our members to operate. Identity and Collective Action: We will build and nurture the identity and power of collective action of our members to achieve common goals. In all our actions we strive to develop our members’ capacity and confidence to increase the strength of their staff. Improvement and Quality services: We are committed to continued improvement and delivery of high quality services to our members. Transparency and Accountability Through our policies, structures and procedures, and in all out actions, we ensure we are transparent and accountable, answering to our partners, membership and stakeholders.
Membership / Audience Demographic WHO WE SERVE Membership / Audience Demographic Local NGOs National NGOs International NGOs Other Stakeholders A specific ‘Impact Group’ for the upcoming strategy will be Youth, Women and other vulnerable groups
Approach – How we will work In view of the context in Somalia and emerging issues the Consortium will embrace approaches that are deemed most effective of a collective, for optimal results. These approaches will underpin all strategies and interventions and represent the “how” of doing business for The Consortium in Somalia. The approaches resulted from the assessment and confirmed by the online survey. Approach We will: Peer learning and information sharing be creative. We provide information and opportunities to learn, explore new ideas and approaches, looking for what will add real value. Collective advocacy – improved strategic and evidence based use evidence to influence policy. We base what we say and do on the best research and our members’ experiences to influence policy and practice. Membership engagement and coordination be collaborative. We work with our members and partners to achieve the best results. Representation and voice of NGO community at relevant fora ensure ‘Voice’. We will represent a strong and united voice for SNC members to targeted audiences, nationally, regionally and globally.
THEMATIC AREAS OF FOCUS 4 Outcomes and Key Outputs within each During the life of this Strategy the SNC seeks to achieve change in three broad areas: An enabling environment for improved humanitarian, resilience and development outcomes, through multi-stakeholder and multi-level engagement (Government Engagement) Facilitate the promotion and implementation of Global and National localisation commitments, through initiatives that enhance agency, voice, and capacity of local/national NGOs, in Somalia; and Enhance collective accountability and transparency, in Somalia, through the application of International and National good practice and standards. 4 Outcomes and Key Outputs within each
Additional Highlights AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT TO BE ‘FIT FOR PURPOSE’ (Leadership, Staff, SC and Membership) FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS – FUNDRAISING STRATEGY (Sub Committee) MEASUREMENTS OF SUCCESS (Quarterly and Bi-annually – SC Meeting Review) MANAGEMENT PLAN (Steering Committee Responsibilities) PUBLICITY & COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR THE STRATEGY
How do we effectively work together as a Steering Committee, to ensure the strategy is realised and support the work of the SNC?
4 Key Outcome Areas – SC Leads? (Including measurements of success) ‘Fit for purpose area’ (Leadership, Staff, SC) HR/Internal Sub Committee? Fundraising Sub Committee? Membership Engagement (Committee?)– Bi-annual survey, AGM What needs to happen to drive success in these areas? SC Leads (Distributed leadership) How do we initiate or review current Working Groups to align/support the SNC Strategy?
Next Steps, Actions, Close 14