Film Studies 600 Navigating Concordia Library and other libraries Some Resources & Services at Concordia Libraries Cinema Research Guide Databases: Finding journal, magazines & newspapers Setting alerts or getting RSS feeds Using linker Finding Theses & dissertations Google Scholar: set to check Concordia Libraries Books: e-books & paper | Worldcat | Google Books Ask a Librarian services: in person or online RefWorks – bibliographic management
bibliographies, bibliographies, bibliographies use bibliographies of relevant documents to find more literature in your research area Books and book chapters Articles Theses and dissertations
Using Concordia Libraries Film-related collections are held in Webster & Vanier Libraries In library catalogue - request library materials at Vanier Library (Loyola Campus) out to another user in process (these will be rush catalogued for you) renew materials online (if not requested by other users) access online databases & resources (journals, etc.) from home NOTE; you can also download the Concordia vpn (virtual private network) client To connect to library online resources
Getting materials from other libraries BCI card Ask for card at Circulation desk Allows you to borrow books directly from Canadian university libraries Interlibrary Loans (colombo) Materials not available at Concordia are borrowed on your behalf; articles are sent to you Online request form is available on library web site Library PIN is necessary
CLUES & Other Library catalogues In addition to using CLUES , check Other Library catalogues: University Libraries National Libraries Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress (United States) Bibliothèque et Archives Nationale du Québec Research Libraries Cinémathèque Québecoise BFI: British Film Institute WorldCat (international union catalogue)
E-books Concordia Libraries is acquiring an increasing number of e-books options often to download or save chapters, etc. Use books in library collections in conjunction with Google Books often have access to entire chapters – useful for books not readily accessible in libraries
Periodicals - journals, magazines, & newspapers Concordia Libraries has a collection of film periodicals in paper, online & microfilm format Date coverage varies (check CLUES) Periodicals, available in paper or microfilm format only, can be consulted in the library, or specific articles can be requested through the Article Delivery service
Article Delivery at Concordia
Finding Periodical Literature - Databases Databases (listed on Cinema Research Guide) Check date and title coverage, and frequency of updating Major Cinema & Cinema-related Databases FIAF International Film Archive Film & Television Literature Index Film Index International International Index to Performing Arts Art Full-text MLA Bibliography in LION (Literature Online) Other Databases Check other Subject Guides - Communication Studies, etc.
Finding Journals from database searches Use the linker option in most databases Check date coverage If using a paper only journal, you will need the call number Check CLUES if you have a citation from a bibliography, etc. For journals not available at Concordia, check other library catalogues Use Interlibrary Loans or visit other libraries in Montreal
Alert Services & RSS feeds Most databases allow you to set up an alert service or RSS feed to keep up to date on literature in your research area Many online magazines also provide alert services
Google Scholar Useful for interdisciplinary research Searches: journal articles, books, and theses & dissertations, etc. Doesn’t always search on materials that are hard-copy only Possible to do limited citation searching Set Google Scholar to search Concordia Libraries Click on Settings
Searching databases: keywords & search operators When searching most online tools (library catalogues, databases, you will use keywords with search operators (these will vary depending on tool) Search Operators Example and (all words must be present) cinema and auteur or (any of the words; usually) cinema or film or movies alternative or synonymous) * (wildcard) film* searches film or films or filmmaker “…” (phrase searching) “motion pictures” Note: some databases include other search features that allow for more precise searching; check the HELP page
Adjusting Searches in Databases How to narrow search if too many results: Search in specific fields: subject, journal title Use limit options: date, language, etc. Use more precise terms How to broaden search if few results Use broader search terms Use synonyms with the or operator Use fewer key words
Refworks: storing citations & bibliography generators Most databases allow you to select and mark records that you want to save Marked records can usually be emailed, downloaded or printed Lists can be exported or imported to RefWorks Check citation guides / create an account in Refworks
Finding Early reviews & articles in paper sources Filmmakers in the Moving Picture World: An Index to Articles - REF PN 1993 M88 Film Review Index. V.1: 1882 -1949 - REF PN 1995 F476+ Reprints in articles, books, and following reference source: Reprints in Selected Film Criticism. - REF PN 1995 S426 1982
Finding Theses & Dissertations Spectrum, Concordia Institutional Repository Includes most Concordia theses & dissertations Searched on google Databases ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full-text International Extensive coverage of North American dissertations and many theses Full-text of theses & dissertations from 1997 to the present Check Library web site : Help & Instruction: How to find….
RefWorks : Bibliographic Management Create lists of citations for papers & thesis Including citations in RefWorks Manually Direct export from some databases Import from catalogues & databases Download Write n Cite plug in to work directly from Word application with RefWorks Databases when adding citations and creating bibliographies
Reference Services Reference Services – check hours on web site In library – Webster – 2nd floor E-mail & Online Chat Reference services Individual Appointment Feel free to contact me Melinda Reinhart, Visual Arts Librarian