of Employment Services Actions and projects on migration of Forein Office of Employment Services To promote social inclusion and the employability of foreign workers 1 1
Veneto 514.592 foreign citizens estimated in about 101.545 in the province of Treviso (12,5% of the population) exponential increase (476%) from 1991 to 2001 and then progressive stabilization 145 nationalities present (accentuated polycentricism) 31,3% immediately available workers (DID) 2 2
Foreins Office action a) legal orientation: pre- employment activity (foreign workers, companies and operators) action b) accompaniment to the labor market (foreign workers) 3 3
entry visas on the territory of the State a) immigration law orientation and foreigner status through service of front office, call center, mailing, on line law guide, news letter, on these matters: entry visas on the territory of the State residence permit - expulsion orders entry for a subordinate job (even seasonal) entry through spcecial titles of prelation (art.23 T.U.) entry for self-employed work - entry for work reasons in special cases (art.27 T.U.) the legal status of a foreign worker family re-union the legal status of minor right to education health care citizenship legal status of the UE worker political asylum and international protection 4 4
b) accompaniment activity to job placement specialized service through some tools: individual and personal interviews of career guidance labor market orientation group labs (fragile targets: women, second generations, refugees) 5 5
Ufficio Stranieri Servizi per l’Impiego Via Cal di Breda 116, 31100 Treviso front office: martedì 8:30 - 12:30 mercoledì: 15:00 - 17:00 call center lun. mart. merc. 9:00 - 12:00 Tel 0422/656425 mailing: servizistranieri@provincia.treviso.it 6 6