“The hot bubbles around nascent planets : Stars to Disks Gainesville - Apr. 14th 2007 “The hot bubbles around nascent planets : Influence on migration, accretion and detectability” Smaller objects but also Hubert Klahr, MPI für Astronomie Willy Kley, Tübingen & Sebastian Wolf, MPIA Geoff Bryden, JPL; Kees Dullemond, Thomas Henning, Oliver Fernandez, etc. MPIA; Doug Lin Santa Cruz 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Outline: Motivation: Pop. Synthesis Klahr & Kley 2006 The hot blob -- photosphere Influence on migration rates Observability Conclusions/Outlook 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Jupiter mass at 5AU 3D radiation hydro of planet disk interaction with the TRAMP code. Van Leer Hydro plus flux limited diffusion at 100x200x25 grid cells: domain: 1.25 AU < r < 25 AU 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Klahr & Feldt 2004; Klahr & Kley 2006
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Outline: Klahr & Kley 2006 Zoom down to the Jupiter surface! Two new cases: 9 & 30 Mearth The hot blob -- photosphere Influence on migration rates Conclusions/Outlook 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Population Synthesis: Extrasolar giant planet formation models See also Poster P5-9 by Christophe Mordasini! Courtesy: Willy Benz and the Bern group/see also Ida & Lin
Known Planets: Courtesy by Jeremy Richardson May 2006 Based on data compiled by J. Schneider
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Jupiter mass at 5AU 3D radiation hydro of planet disk interaction with the TRAMP code. Van Leer Hydro plus flux limited diffusion at 100x200x25 grid cells: domain: 1.25 AU < r < 25 AU 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Klahr & Feldt 2004; Klahr & Kley 2006
A Young Jupiter... > 1000yrs Temperature, velocity and density contours.
Disk or Donut around Jupiter? Bad times for Planets Pressure scale height in “Blob” over the Roche lobe.
A Young Jupiter... > 1000yrs Temperature, velocity and density contours.
Color = photospheric temp. vs. photosph. Height of disk! height phi radius
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg High res.: Color = photospheric temp. 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Color = photospheric temperature Photospheric height. high res.: 30 Mearth 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Color = temperature -- surface = height high res.: 9 Mearth accretion & migration rates as function of: planet and disk mass, location, turbulence, opacity, irradiation, etc. 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Negative = outward drift! Caveat: is in a Dead Zone Torques for a 9 MEarth planet: Random migration or Type XXXIX migration? Shift in corotation torques Negative = outward drift! Caveat: is in a Dead Zone
Paardekooper & Mellema As well as our simulations Warning: Paardekooper & Mellema As well as our simulations Had no viscosity, e.g. dead zone. Unpredictable disk evolution. Remember talks by Matsumura and Pudritz % planet-disk % planet-disk % planet-disk Outward drift: -10-4/yr after D’Angelo, Henning & Kley 2003b plus new results by: Klahr, Bryden & Kley also found by Paardekooper & Mellema
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Dead zone evolution: This is 2D... What happens in 3D? Wünsch, Klahr & Rozyczka, 2005 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Inner Rim: with Kees Dullemond Hydro + flux limited Diffusion + ray tracing Inner Rim: with Kees Dullemond
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Height and temperature of photosphere for disk emission in the case of irradiation from the central object: Flux limited diffusion plus ray tracing during the hydro run! 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Scattered light and photosphere for irradiation:
Test of Radiation transport: scattered light/role of inner disk TRAMP (Radiation- Hydro) MC3D (S. Wolf)
Test of Radiation transport: scattered light emitted light
Test of Radiation transport: scattered light emitted light
Imaging in the Mid-infrared (~10micron) Hot Accretion Region around the Planet 10mm surface brightness profile of a T Tauri disk with an embedded planet (inner 40AUx40AU, distance: 140pc) [Wolf & Klahr 2005] i=0deg i=60deg Science Case Study for T-OWL: Thermal Infrared Camera for OWL (Lenzen et al. 2005) Justification of the Observability in the Mid-IR for nearby objects (d<100pc)
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Conclusions: migration depends on disk evolution. ;) MHD/dead-zone/Irradiation/Evaporation/ multiple Planets/etc. ...thats why comparisons to upcoming instruments/observations are so important! (VLTI, LBT, ALMA, ELT etc. ) Embedded Planets will be our measuring device for accretion disk physics! 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Outlook: 1.) Parameter Study: Disk Mass/position/Planet Mass 2.) => feeding Population Synthesis Simulations 3.) MPI version of TRAMP for “PIA” (256 processors) 17.11.2018 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Temperature, velocity and density contours. A Very Young Jupiter...
Transiting Planets: mass + radius We need to learn how they migrate and stop there!