Assessing Student Learning TSS Participants: Dana Bradley Cheryl Hitchcock Arlecia Sewell
The primary purpose of any student assessment should to be improve student learning. Reference: Packing a Parachute p. 1 Davies, Making Classroom Assessment Work
Assessment vs. Evaluation When we assess, we gather information about student learning that informs our teaching and helps students learn more. When we evaluate, we decide whether or not students have learned what they need to learn and how well they have learned it. From Making Classroom Assessment Work (A. Davies, 2000)
Assessment should confirm, reinforce, and support ideas of what students should be learning. Students should always know how they are going to be assessed, before learning takes place. Assessment drives instruction!
Can we have some feedback? Descriptive feedback- gives information that enables the learner to adjust what the learner is doing in order to get better. Evaluative feedback- tells the learner how he or she has performed to others or to some standard.
Whos Involved in Assessment? Students Test Talks Peers Teachers Mentors Administrators Test Talks Parents (Involvement is critical in the partnership of students in elementary grades) (Pre- K students are assessed through anecdotal notes and work samples. Work samples are organized in portfolios.)
3 Stages of Assessing Student Achievement 1. Diagnostic Assessment 2. Formative Assessment 3. Summative Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment Sometimes called pre-assessment. The assessment of the students knowledge and skills before the new instruction.
Formative Assessment The assessment FOR learning during the instruction.
Examples of Formative Assessment Triangulation Method Written Observation Projects Oral presentation Debates Oral Reports Projects Essays Tests Presentations Debates
Summative Assessment The assessment OF learning after the instruction. Represented by the students final term, semester, or years achievement grade.
Summative IF……. The end of a chapter or unit test represents the absolute end of the students learning of materials for that instructional unit.
Sample Assessments Portfolios Pretests/ Posttests Self- Assessments Rubrics Mini- Assessments Benchmarks For any type of assessment used to assign student grades, it is recommended that scoring rubrics are used!
State-Mandated Assessments Criterion Referenced Competency Test Georgia High School Graduation Test Georgia Writing Test Iowa Test of Basic Skills GKAP-R High School End of Course Test
Resources Marzano R.,, Classroom Instruction That Works Davies, A., Making Classroom Assessment Work Kellough, R. Secondary Methods