Kinetic Energy Transfer 8th Grade Science
Think! What are some ways that energy is transferred?
With your group share some ways that you think energy is transferred between particles/objects. As a group create a model demonstrating the transfer of energy. Your model must: Include labels and arrows showing the transfer of energy Include at least two objects Be a real world example Include ideas or labor from every group member
Share Groups present and Compare What were some models that other people came up with? Do you see any similarities with your model? Differences?
Answer these questions to the best of your ability. What are some types of energy? What is potential energy?
Design it! With your group you are going to design a Rube Goldberg machine. Your machine must: Transfer energy among at least five different types of items Include materials only found in this room (without breaking them) Include ideas or labor from every member of your group
Present it! Create a poster about your Rube Goldberg machine Your poster must Include a title Include a labeled diagram of your machine Use at least three colors explain how energy moves among the items in your machine Link your machine to another concept whether in science or another discipline
Compare it Leave behind two people to present your project Send two other people from your group around to gather information about the other groups What materials did they use? What did they do that was similar to your group? What did they do that was different? Did that affect the amount of energy passed and the amount of energy the machine ended up with? Do they meet criteria? (title, 3 colors, connection, labeled, explain energy transformations/transfers)
What is Energy? Energy is what makes matter do something
Energy Transfer vs. Energy Transformation Energy TRANSFER is the passing of energy from one object to another object. Energy TRANSFORMATION is the changing of energy from one form of energy to another form of energy.
So a magnifying glass concentrates light energy until it is transformed into thermal energy
Types of Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Stored Energy Energy that is waiting Kinetic Energy Energy in Motion Energy that is happening
Radiant (electromagnetic) Mechanical Kinetic energy that an object has because of its motion Example: Baseball and bat There is energy in the bat as it swings. As it hits the ball, it exerts a force on the ball which changes the direction of the ball and makes it move a certain distance Potential energy of an object because of its position Radiant (electromagnetic) Kinetic energy from electromagnetic radiation Light (light actually moves through space) Sound Kinetic energy that exists through the vibrating waves through a substance We hear things because these sound waves vibrate our eardrums
Gravitational Chemical Potential energy that an object has because of its position above a surface Influenced by mass and height (more potential energy for higher and objects with more mass) Example: Rock structure Chemical Potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of molecules The energy used to keep the atoms connected together Example: glowstick - when you break it the two liquids mix and as the chemical reaction occurs light energy is released
Heat (thermal) Electrical Nuclear Kinetic energy from the movement of particles of a substance The more thermal energy, the higher the temperature Electrical Kinetic energy that comes from the movement of electrons through stuff Example: copper wire like what is in a plug Nuclear Potential energy stored in the nucleus of atoms It is there because of the force that holds protons and neutrons together in the atoms nucleus Energy is released when the nucleus is split
The Law of Conservation of Energy Energy is never created or destroyed! The total amount of energy will always remain the same! Some energy may be considered ‘lost” Think of a toaster making toast. Some of the energy goes to the toast, but some of it is lost. In fact, if you put your hand above the toaster you can feel the energy being lost and transferred to the air around it Energy can be transformed into a new type of energy
Conduction, Convection, Radiation Three ways Energy is Transferred Conduction: how energy is transferred through molecules that are touching Examples: pan on a hot stove, pain through your nerves, electricity through a wire Convection: how energy is transferred through a fluid Example: Earth’s core Radiation: how energy is transferred through waves Example: sun through air onto you, door handle, car, etc.
Homework Think of some cycles and systems in our universe (i.e., the recycling of rock within the Earth, water cycles, processes within living organisms, the formation of stars, etc.). Explain how energy is transferred or transformed throughout your cycle. For this assignment, I am looking to be sure you have: A well illustrated (drawn or printed) picture of the process A well-written explanation about how energy is transferred or transformed throughout your cycle or system Correct science knowledge and application of terms This is due on Friday 8/31