President of the Austrian Society of Orthopedic Development of a Curriculum of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in Austria Stefan Nehrer President of the Austrian Society of Orthopedic
Orthopaedics / Trauma/Unfallchirurgie A. Lorenz/ L. Böhler
Knowledge, Experience, Skills, Attitude Surgical skills Conservative skills Skills Diagnostics Experience, Attitude Knowledge tunc Marktforschung und Marketingberatung GmbH
Knowledge: 5 modules in 18 seminars Modul 1: Basics Modul 2: Special-isations Modul 3: Topics Modul 4: conservative Orthopedics Modul 5: Drugherapy in Orthopedics M1 Basics in Orthopedic M2 Rheumatology M3 Hand Surgery M3 Foot and Ankle M4 Conservative Therapy M5 Osteoporosis and Bone deseases M1 Legal aspects M2 Sportsorthopedic M3 Pediatric Orthopedic M3 Spine M4 Braces and Orthotics M5 Paintherapy M1 Osteosynthesis M3 Neuro- orthopedics M3 Shoulder M4 Rehabilitation M3 Tumor- Orthopedics M3 Endoprthosthesis tunc Marktforschung und Marketingberatung GmbH
Exam: Orthopedic Surgeon Residency Programe Residency programe of Department Orthopedic Surgeon MSC Orthopedic Surgeons Danube University Modul 1-5 Modul 1-5 Modul 6-8 Masterthesesis + Exam: Orthopedic Surgeon MSC Orthopaedic
Postgraduate Programes in Cooperation with Austrian Orthopaedic Society and the Danube University
Orthopaedic and Traumatology Revision of educational system was proposed 2012 by ministry of health and medical board ASOS prepared a new curriculum in Orthopaedics By March 2013 we were informed to merge Orthopaedic and Traumatology (Unfallchirurgie) Both societies agreed to form a new speciality: Orthopaedic and Traumatology
Focus and Scope of the Speciality Orthopaedic and Traumatology The speciality of orthopaedic and traumatology comprises prevention, diagnostics- including radiological techniques-, surgical and non surgical / pharmacological treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation and specific reports of degenerative, inflamatory, metabolic and neoplastic pathologies as well as injury and trauma of the locomotor system and posttraumatic conditions and congentital and aquired malformations and deficiencies and functional disorders at any age on basis of scientific knowledge and evidence levels.
Med school (University) Ortho / Trauma Education: 6 years Modules : 6-12 mos Modules: 6-12 mos Basic education: 3 years 5 years 6 Years Internship: 9 mos Med school (University) tunc Marktforschung und Marketingberatung GmbH
Ortho/Trauma Education Levels of competence 1-4 Level 1 knowledge, Level 2 experience, Level 3 skills Level 4 specialist Internship: General medical competence Basic education: Level 1-3 Basics and Concept of orthopaedics and traumatology Modules: Level 3 Fractures and Osteosynthesis, Joint Surgery-Endoprosthesis and Arthroscopy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Spine, Hand and Foot Surgery, Pediatric Ortho/Trauma Specialisation / Fellowship Level 4 Tumor, Sports, Rheuma, Pediatrics, Polytrauma, Spine, Foot, Hand, Joint reconstruction, Conservative Treatment, Pain treatment, Rehabilitation
Residency (Level 1 – 3) – Spezialisation/Fellowship (Level 4) Spezialisierung: Level 4 Fellowship 1 Jahre 6 Monate (C) Modul 2: Level 3 Residency (C) Modul 1: Level 3 (A+B) Basisausbildung: Level 3 5 Jahre 3 Monate 3 Jahre 9 Monate (A+B) Basisausbildung: Level 2 (A+B) Basisausbildung: Level 1 tunc Marktforschung und Marketingberatung GmbH
Residency (Level 1 – 3) – Specialisation (Level 4)
Orthopaedic/ Traumatology New curriculum needs new structures ! Traumatology has twice as much resources as orthopaedics Orthopaedic demands increase, traumatology decreases Treatment of the locomotor system includes operative and conservative treatment Emegency surgery should be interdisciplinary approach by surgical speciality and anethesiology Transition of systems is difficult European Curriculum as a template would be helpful Final Exams on European level. EBOT- MCQ UEMS/ EFORT educational platform
Problems/ Solutions What would be the European standard of a curriculum in Orthopaedic/ Trauma Specialist? Is the concept of an Orthopaedic Surgeon with trauma competence appropiate? How can we evaluate progress in education? Logg-book, intraining exams, final exam-oral and clinical cases, surgical skills, conservative skills, attitude Standardised educational programe (MSC programe, ECTS certified, European Master of Orhopaedic Surgery, EMOS)