AgTech4Biz Kerri Wright Platais, Head of Scientific and Technical Partnerships in Africa, IFPRI for DLPB Phase II Meeting Mauritius, February 1 and 2,


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Presentation transcript:

AgTech4Biz Kerri Wright Platais, Head of Scientific and Technical Partnerships in Africa, IFPRI for DLPB Phase II Meeting Mauritius, February 1 and 2, 2018

Cultivating Science in Agriculture through Partnerships* Phase I CGIAR Centers and Research Programs (CRPs) Institutions that form the Science for Agriculture Consortium (S4AC) for implementing S3A: FARA, Sub-regional Organizations (SROs; ASARECA, CCARDESA, CORAF), and the Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) RUFORUM, a network of 83 universities in 35 countries focused on capacity building in agriculture throughout Africa, institutionally linked to the AUC Senior Advisors from FARA’s Expert Panel vital in the creation of the African Science Agenda * CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM), in addition to support from USAID, and building on earlier support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (ASTI and HarvestChoice)

Portfolio of 10 Technologies Crop-based technologies/products (5) Variety improvement in beans; maize; rice Disease-resistant GM banana; orange-fleshed sweet potatoes with Vitamin A Livestock-based technologies/products (3) African chicken genetic gains Diagnostics for African swine fever (ASF) in pigs Vaccine for PPR virus in sheep and goats Post harvest technologies Aflatoxin control in maize Climate-Smart technologies Soil and climate data sets

Technology Assessment & Platform Meetings Provide “matchmaking” or technology “brokering” with scientists, farmers, investors, and policy makers to move technologies to market Serve as an example of Technology Clearinghouse for emerging Africa-wide initiatives South-South learning opportunities: Taking promising technologies and partnerships from Africa to the rest of the world

Build a Business Case: Is the technology/product “investor ready”? Can a case be made for investment in the further development and scaling of the new technologies for wider adoption and use? How do we do this effectively? And in partnership? Who are the likely investors? Is the technology/product suitable for private investment, public-private partnerships or public good investment?

Integrated Approach to Test Technology Impact IMPACT -- Integrated analytical framework of economic, water, and crop models with global change and foresight scenarios DREAM -- Simulates market, technology impacts, technology adoption, research spillover, and trade policy scenarios based on a multi-market model RIAPA -- Analyzes the contribution of agricultural investments to broader rural transformation goals. Estimates impacts on outcomes and prioritize investments.

IMPACT Model – 62 commodities; spatially disaggregated

Integrated Knowledge-Based Food Systems Advancing Scientific Frontiers Investing in R&D Designing Better Policies Evidence-based decision making with markets involved Integrating Gender In both policy and technology design Linking to Health and Nutrition Yield gain is not enough Ensuring Sustainability Synergies in agriculture and environment

I lead a program as I mentioned earlier on Scientific and Technical Partnerships in Africa -- and within the agricultural framework -- we are working to develop new technologies -- in beans, chickens, vaccinations -- and develop new partnerships in the private and public sectors to bring greater economic growth to smallholder farmers and business men and women in Africa.