Defence Force Service Commission AIM The DFSC appeared before the Joint Standing Committee on Defence (JSCD) on 09 September 2016. The aim of this presentation is to brief the JSCD on: The progress made by the Defence Force Service Commission (DFSC). The action plan of the DFSC. Challenges encountered by the DFSC. An update on the recommendations tabled to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans (MOD&MV). DRAFT RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission SCOPE Background. Progress made on improving the conditions of service. Action plan of the DFSC. Challenges encountered by the DFSC. An update on the recommendations tabled to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans (MOD&MV). Conclusion. DRAFT RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission BACKGROUND The Defence Force Service Commission (DFSC), inaugurated in 10 October 2013, is mandated in terms of section 62 A-L of the Defence Amendment Act, Act No 22 of 2010, to make recommendations to the MOD&MV on: Improvement of salaries and service benefits. Policies in respect of conditions of service. Promotion of measures and standards to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of policies on conditions of service. Policy Review. The above is achieved through: On-going research and findings from consultative visits, and lessons learned during benchmarking visits. Provision of support to the Commission by the Secretariat. Briefings by relevant internal & external stakeholders. Obtaining expert advice. DRAFT RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission FUNCTIONS OF THE DFSC AS SPECIFIED WITHIN THE DEFENCE AMENDMENT ACT, ACT 22 OF 2010 Section 62F.(1) stipulates that the Commission must meet at least twice a year at a time and place determined by the Chairperson of the Commission. An attendance of six members is required to constitute a quorum. Section 62G.(1) lay down the appointment of committees of the Commission, required to perform specific duties and exercise any powers (subject tot the Amendment Act) assigned or delegated to it by the Commission. Committees may at any time be dissolve or reconstituted. Section 62H.(1) directs the reporting of the Commission. This section specify that the Commission is accountable to the Minister and must within two months after the end of each financial year, submit a report on its activities and findings. Such a report must be lodged with the Cabinet by the Minister and tabled in Parliament. The Commission must also publish its findings and recommendations in respect of its work in a Government Gazette. DRAFT RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION The MOD&MV approved the implementation of the recommendation on the Delinking Rank from Salary in 2017. The successful hosting of the Civil Military Conference over the period 27 to 28 October 2016 on Bridging the gap; advancing Civil Military Relations to Deepen Democracy, initiated dialogue between the DOD/SANDF and the Civil Society. The Conference was officially opened by the honourable MOD&MV, Ms N.N. Mapisa-Nqakula. The conference was attended by approximately 150 delegates per day, from the CSANDF, Chiefs of Services and Divisions, Captains of Industries, academic institutions, subject experts within the DOD, private sector, legal fraternity, other government departments, independent media, and Defence Attaches from Zimbabwe Defence Force and Botswana Defence Force who were speakers at the conference. DRAFT RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION The meeting between the DFSC and the Reserve Force Council to discuss the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) took place on 06 September 2017. The aim of this MOU is to establish a partnership on matters concerning the Conditions of Service and benefits for Reserve Force members with the understanding that the SANDF is based on a One Force Concept. The DFSC signed a MOU with the Military Ombud on 05 July 2017 with the aim of establishing a cooperative framework in order to share information and to enhance the effectiveness of both these two DOD Organs of State on matters of common interest impacting the conditions of service of SANDF members. DRAFT RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) The role-out of the DFSC awareness strategy: Recognition and acknowledgement of the Commission by the Defence community such as ARMSCOR, Defence Related Industries and Businesses; CSIR and Tertiary Institutions. Established a DFSC Communication Programme to promote and institutionalise the Commission within the broader DOD community strategic role on the Internal Department of Defence website on 07 September 2017. Initiated the process for the amendment the Defence Act, Act 22 of 2002, to review the powers of the Commission, the structure and appointment level of both the Commissioners and members of the Secretariat. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) The role-out of the DFSC awareness strategy: The official opening by the MOD&MV of the DFSC Wingfield Office to enhance the footprint of the DFSC on 20 June 2017. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) Execution of the Ministerial Instruction to visit Internal and External SANDF mission areas such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), MONUSCO, and Operation CORONA. Within the DRC the DFSC delegation interacted with 590 SANDF soldiers of a personnel strength of 799 during November 2016. Subsequent to the visit to the DRC, the Commission submitted inputs for consideration to be included in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the DOD and the United Nations to the CSANDF. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) Since September 2016, an additional 53 submissions were handed over to the DFSC (total till date 82 submissions received). 84 SANDF members visited the Offices of the DFSC in Pretoria and 55 SANDF members visited the DFSC Wingfield office. Although the impact is not tangible, the psychological effect developed during these visits of hope, trust and belief were expressed numerous times by SANDF members. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) DFSC undertook consultative visits undertook to the following Bases/Units during 2017: The Joint Support Base Garrison in Pretoria over the period 03 and 29 August 2017. The General Support Base Limpopo and two Operation CORONA bases (Musina and Madimbo Ops Base) within its Area of Responsibility over the period 21 to 24 August 2017. In the Eastern Cape, visits were undertaken to 14 SA Infantry Base Mthatha; 6 SA Infantry Base Grahamstown and an Operation CORONA base (Maluti Ops Base) over the period 11 to 15 September 2017. In KwaZulu-Natal, visits to 5 SA Infantry Base Ladysmith; Naval Base Durban; Regional Works Formation Durban and an Operation CORONA base (Pongola Ops Base) in KwaZulu-Natal over the period 01 to 06 October 2017. The DFSC delegation interacted with approximately 1 728 SANDF members in the above visited bases. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) Although this cannot be defined as ‘progress made’, the DFSC would like to bring some of the observations made during its consultative visits to Operation CORONA Bases as follows: The severe lack of serviceable patrol vehicles and motorbikes that compatible to the terrain around the borders. Members are deployed in areas that are not mission ready. Members are accommodated in dilapidated, torn and worn out tents that are not conducive for the extreme weather conditions. Members are not provided with rations on time, and sometimes are provided with rations that have expired. The poor quality and quantity of uniforms provided to deployed members. Inadequate of lack of supply/provision of signal and communication equipments. Lack of adequate military medical transport in the mission areas. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) The DFSC continues to strengthen its strategic relationships with DOD/SANDF and other Organs of State. The relationships are enhanced by briefings made to the Commission on issues that have direct bearing on Conditions of Service, for example the RFC; Chief Defence Reserves, Chief of DOD Logistics; Chief Human Resources and the Defence Review Implementation Project Team. The DFSC elevated observed and identified challenges (financial, logistical, HR, etc.) to various stakeholders i.e. Secretary for Defence (Sec Def); Chief of the South African National Defence Force (C SANDF); NT, MOD&MV, Portfolio Committee on Defence and the Joint Standing Committee on Defence. The DFSC continue to comply with the submission of reports for governance purposes. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) Six recommendations made by the DFSC were published in a Government Gazette in compliance of the DFSC to its legislated mandate. The following recommendations have been implemented. The final report on serial 4 below continue to be monitored in terms of the recommendations contained therein. S/ No Name Date Notice a b c 1 Policy on Death Benefits to Beneficiaries of Members/Employees who pass away while deployed in internal and external operations for which no international compensation is paid 22 August 2014 660 of 2014 2 Cost of Living Adjustment 2014 661 of 2014 3 Defence Force Service Commission Regulations 19 December 2014 1046 of 2014 4 Final Report: Interim National Defence Force Service Commission – November 2010 15 April 2016 423 0f 2016 RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers RESTRICTED In support o SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) Six recommendations made by the DFSC were published in a Government Gazette in compliance of the DFSC to its legislated mandate. This recommendations have been submitted for implementation. S/ No Name Date Notice a b c 5 Policies to be reviewed on Conditions of Service (Asbestos; Uniforms: MSDS) 07 April 2017 322 of 2017 6 Delinking Salary from rank 23 June 2017 588 of 2017 RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers RESTRICTED In support o SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission PROGRESS MADE BY THE COMMISSION (continue) DFSC made a presentation and provided inputs to the National Defence Industry Strategy during the National Defence Industry Council Seminar on 04 August 2017. The presentation was made by Prof R. Christie. The DFSC acknowledges the work of the DOD Works Formation in the refurbishment and upgrading of DOD facilities in order to address challenges relating to accommodation. DOD Works Formation is completing the construction of two buildings in Lords Ground, KZN, which will serve as accommodation facility and office building. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission ACTION PLAN The outputs of the action plan of the DFSC is aligned with its legislated mandate. Strategic Objective: Make annual recommendations to the Minister on improvements of salaries and service benefits of SANDF (uniform) members. Action Plan: Conduct consultations and research with internal and external stakeholders. Investigate the pay philosophy of the SANDF. Determine what the pay structures are incentivising, especially with regard to the balance between operational (war fighting) and support personnel. Compile an analysis, based on consultations and research with internal and external stakeholders. Costing of a proposed model. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission ACTION PLAN (continue) Strategic Objective: Make recommendations to the Minister on policies in respect of conditions of service of SANDF members. Action Plan: Conduct consultations with internal and external stakeholders including tertiary institutions. Research current DOD Policies, Instructions and Doctrine. Identify gaps within the current Policies on conditions of service. Consult with stakeholders on proposed recommendations. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission ACTION PLAN (continue) Strategic Objective: Ensure efficient and effective management of all DFSC resources. Action Plan: Develop an operational strategy and plan (Strategic Intent). Evaluate the performance of the Commission according to King IV. Develop proper communications and management systems. Effective and efficient implementation of the Annual Performance Plan. Establishment of structures to manage and control DFSC budget. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED BY THE DFSC Limitations within the Defence Amendment Act, Act 22 of 2010, does not allow for the DFSC to appoint members outside the protracted DOD Acquisition processes. Cost containment measures by National Treasury resulted into budget cuts that impacted adversely on the DFSC to acquire relevant skills and competencies. The has further halted the Intent of the Commission to review its structures and the post levels. The DFSC can only table recommendations to the MOD&MV. The approval and implementation of such recommendations is outside the mandate of the DFSC. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED BY THE DFSC (continue) The theft of 20 computers and other Information Technology equipment on two occasions impacted negatively on the already insufficient allocated operational budget of approximately R310 000. The obligatory budget cuts and subsequent decrease in the allocated operational budget, prevented the intended installation of additional security measures at the Pretoria DFSC Office. Request for additional funding was not approved by the Departmental Planning Budgeting and Evaluation Committee in August 2016 and May 2017 due to budgetary challenge of DOD/SANDF. Protracted procurement processes impede the effective spending of the allocated budget by the DFSC, although our spending over the reporting period was in excess of 64.75% overall. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED BY THE DFSC (continue) The SANDF adopts and implements resolutions/agreements on Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) as agreed upon in the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC). Therefore, recommendations submitted by the DFSC on COLA, as per mandate, are rendered null and void, and prior consultation with DFSC in this regard needs to improve. The inability of the DFSC to obtain meaningful progress reports regarding the implementation of recommendations tabled by both the Interim National Defence Force Service Commission and the permanent DFSC. The latter is informed by the instruction to the Secretary for Defence and Chief Human Resources by the MOD&MV in November 2015. The DFSC view the lack of cooperation in this regard as a challenge to comply with its monitoring and setting of standards mandate. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission UPDATE ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE TO THE MINISTER 1. The recommendations tabled on policies in respect of Conditions of Service The recommendations tabled in March 2016 to the MOD&MV on the eradication of Asbestos; Uniforms and the Military Skills Development System were endorsed by the Executive Authority, forwarded to the Sec Def and the C SANDF for implementation and was published in Government Gazette 322 on 07 April 2017. 2. The recommendations tabled on Pay and Service Benefits The recommendation tabled in March 2017 to the MOD&MV on Delinking Rank from Salary, was accepted by the MOD&MV and in the process of implementation by the DOD HR Division for the rank groups Private to Major. The DSFC is not able to report on the progress of the recommendation that the SANDF should develop a pay progression for the Reserve Force members which will allow the members to progress to the next notch after 12 months of cumulative service in a rank. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission UPDATE ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE TO THE MINISTER (continue) The recommendation on awarding death benefits to the beneficiaries of the members/employees who pass away while deployed on internal or external operations for which no international compensation is paid, was published Government Gazette 660 on 22 August 2014 and is being implemented. The recommendation submitted by the DFSC on COLA, for FY2015/16 and 2016/17, were not implemented due to the three year agreement entered into between the PSCBC and the Department of Public Service and Administration for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework FY2014/15 to 2016/17 regarding the salary increment. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission CONCLUSION The Commission appreciates the continued support from the Joint Standing Committee on Defence to ensure that the DFSC comply effectively with its legislate mandate and live up to its motto “In support of SANDF Soldiers”. RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17
Defence Force Service Commission THANK YOU QUESTIONS & ANSWERS RESTRICTED In support of SANDF Soldiers 2018/11/17